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Technology Stocks
Full Disclosure Trading
An SI Board Since April 2002
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
13403 192 0 $SOX
Emcee:  SI (no user) Type:  Moderated
Full Disclosure Trading
To All thread viewers

Thread can loosen a bit in the postings to include a little more explanation or even predictive or ex-post rationale that can be included (though the actual trade shoudl always be posted when it occurs). In general, loosening up the format somewhat - open to suggestions.

It would be helpful to all thread viewers if the rational for posted trade was also explained. For example...oversold, way below book value, new guidance from company, insider buying, charting indicates a buy signal , good covered call write, merger news, etc.

One of the main points of this thread is to post real trades and real time enough that it reflects reality and others can guage results and evaluate methods, etc. as they will speak for themsleves.

Reporting format example:
opening post: AMAT DT bot 1000 @ 52.94 9:43am

or just AMAT DT bot 1000 @ 52.94 if posting at or near time of trade.

[optional: brief reason like "momentum reversed", "Fed increased rates"]
closing post: AMAT DT sold 1000 @ 53.80 +1.62% or +$860

DT= day trade
ST= more than a day, no more than a week.
MT= more than a week to 3 months
SS= short sale
CS= cover short
NA or blank= unsure at time of trade time frame and/or dependent on subsequent price action

B&H (buy and hold)indefinite time period)
LTB&H long term buy and hold ( something you might do for grand kid as a college trust)

Time of trade only if materially different from time stamp of posting.

No spamming etc. Behave.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
13403Thanks Bob. Your posts have always been informative. Ive had a lot of work to doRobert O38/14/2023
13402HI Robert O, I was wondering what you were trading. Thanks for giving us some robert b furman27/21/2023
13401Well folks been about a year of no activity so I'm bailing out on this subjeRobert O-7/21/2023
13400sold sqqq 500 34.71 +165Robert O-8/18/2022
13399sold sqqq 500 34.59 +100 half off rest rides stop above buy inRobert O-8/18/2022
13398sqqq 1000 34.38Robert O-8/18/2022
13397sold sqqq 1000 33.80 +$700Robert O18/16/2022
13396buy sqqq 1000 33.11Robert O-8/16/2022
13395sell soxs 1000 34.55 +200 added here rest stopped out 34.49 +170 net +370Robert O18/12/2022
13394buy soxs 1000 34.35Robert O-8/12/2022
13393buy soxs 1000 34.32Robert O-8/12/2022
13392sold sqqq 1000 36.81 +$275Robert O-8/4/2022
13391bot sqqq 1000 36.54Robert O-8/4/2022
13390sold sqqq 1000 37.18 $+400Robert O-8/4/2022
13389bot sqqq 1000 36.79Robert O-8/4/2022
13388sqqq sold 1000 39.99 limit stopped out for rest +$1,030Robert O18/2/2022
13387 sqqq sold 1000 40.19 +$1,400Robert O18/2/2022
13386sqqq bot 1000 38.96Robert O-8/2/2022
13385sqqq bot 1000 38.78Robert O-8/2/2022
13384sqqq sold500 @ 44.00 (4 mins into AH both) sqqq sold500 @ 44.02 $+2,060Robert O17/27/2022
13383sqqq bot 1000 @ 42.56Robert O17/27/2022
13382sqqq bot 1000 @ 43.40Robert O-7/27/2022
13381Maybe the play was DWAC Digital World Acquisition Corp Cl A (DWAC) 24.52 +0.40E_K_S-7/8/2022
13380TWTR cover SHORT 1000 @ 34.32 AH +$420 Robert O17/8/2022
13379TWTR SHORT 1000 @ 34.75 AHRobert O17/8/2022
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