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Technology Stocks
SteelCloud, Inc. (NasdaqNM:SCLD)
An SI Board Since January 2002
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53 2 0 SCLD
Emcee:  ChrisJP Type:  Moderated
SteelCloud, Inc., formerly known as SteelCloud Company, develops turnkey network server appliances that deliver immediate results for the customer. Each appliance includes hardware designed and manufactured by SteelCloud running Microsoft NT or Linux. SteelCloud then integrates complex network application programs, from some of the world's finest software manufacturers, creating an optimized, tested and certified appliance that is ready to deploy and use when it arrives at the customer's site. Hardware manufacturing takes place at SteelCloud's Puerto Rican ISO 9002 manufacturing facility. Marketing is conducted in concert with the software manufacturers. The turnkey server appliances are sold to customers in the commercial, government and OEM markets. A web-caching appliance, remote application server, firewall appliance, backup server, help-desk appliance and a network attached storage appliance are typical SteelCloud offerings.

Key financial and business information can be found here:
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53<b> SteelCloud Reports Q3 Results; Company Meets Quarterly Projections <ChrisJP-9/10/2003
52Sweet!...wish I had some for real... Buying a little .71 SCLD at the moment...sTrumptown-8/28/2003
51SCLD breaks $5 ..... ChrisChrisJP-8/27/2003
50amazing! I have it in a contest, but never got around to buying any... just graTrumptown-8/20/2003
49SCLD News -- looks like it hit yet another new high .... SteelClChrisJP-8/20/2003
48WoW! Just you and I here. Thought there would be more messages... Mostly a shortin_cog_nito-8/11/2003
47Yes I'm watching it. Go look at my profile and you will see many messages onChrisJP-8/11/2003
46Anyone watching the CLOUD? I have owned SCLD for about 2 years, heard about it flushbusted-8/11/2003
45POSC -- might be interesting tomorrow: MLOG -- I'm gonnaChrisJP-7/13/2003
44LOUD -- ya see -- there's another one I just can't fathom. Looks like tChrisJP-7/13/2003
43>>This is starting to seem like Oct 1999 - March 2000 all over again<&lTrumptown-7/12/2003
42MCLD -- you know me -- I can't deal with companies I can't establish a PChrisJP-7/12/2003
41wow...this one is doing good. The market has been a little crazy for a few monTrumptown-7/12/2003
40<b> SteelCloud Announces Pact Award From Lockheed Martin </b> biz.yChrisJP-7/12/2003
39Good luck with it... SRTrumptown-10/17/2002
38SCLD - looks like news has moved it above $1 for now. Still a loChrisJP-10/17/2002
37Looks interesting but not compelling, I'd give the $5 line a little more timTrumptown-10/14/2002
36What do you think of ESST -- chart-wise ? Could be ready for a breakout. AccordChrisJP-10/14/2002
35Yup...just bot a little 2.82 SUNW, looks like it wants to break out... SRTrumptown-10/14/2002
34CCUR is the one -- until $2 - $2.50 maybe ? ChrisChrisJP-10/14/2002
33Not even watching this one any more...took a loss, may revisit later. CCUR is thTrumptown-10/14/2002
32Sure looks like its heading lower and lower. Tax loss sellers beating the end-oChrisJP-10/14/2002
31Figures...not much happening for a while. SRTrumptown-9/18/2002
30Looks like Ferris Baker Watts downgraded SCLD from a strong buy to a hold. That ChrisJP-9/17/2002
29I'm pretty much out of it... SRTrumptown-9/17/2002
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