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An SI Board Since October 2001
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Emcee:  sandintoes Type:  Moderated
Worried? Sleepless? Bothered? Unhappy? Need a shoulder to cry on? Want to know how to do something, but were too embarrassed to ask?

Well, here we are!

Ask the Gits.

Sarkie, Sandintoes, and Carolyn have everything covered, from plumbing, proper etiquette, to personal advice. So ask away!

Everything is confidential. Guaranteed!

One of us is always on call. If you don’t like what one says, ask another!

Disclaimer: we do not give investment advice, legal advice, or medical advice. If in doubt, call a professional. Take everything we say with a grain of salt. Alcohol may intensify this effect. Do not use while bathing. Not to be taken internally. Do not eat.

On the advice of our lawyer,


the following has been added.

Use at your own risk. Advice is rendered "as is".
Warning: This thread can be highly addictive.
Do not mix advice with alcohol. Advice may cause drowsiness.
Do not ask for advice while operating
heavy machinery. Do not follow advice
while drinking and/or operating heavy machinery.
Advice will not cure baldness.
Advice should be taken only as directed.
Do not take advice without doctor's approval
if you are pregnant, nursing or under the age of 12.
If the advice requires use of a ladder,
read all warnings and don't stand on the
top step, stick the legs in mud, or place
the ladder atop a moving vehicle to gain
additional height. If the advice
suggests training wheels, use them. Do
not take advice while in the process of
applying make-up, driving car and using
cell phone. Do not stick stones up
your nose while reading advice as the same
may cause discomfort. Bleary eyes, headaches
and general malaise may result from reading
this thread for in excess of 3 hours
per sitting. If L. Long adds to the
advice given, ignore it.
No warranties, guarantees or
other promises, whether express or
implied, are made by virtue of any advice
having been given.
All advice takers
act at their own risk.
In other words, this thread is just like life.
And don't you forget it!
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
4641Happy New Year!Peter Dierks11/3/2012
4640Happy Easter all!:)calgal14/24/2011
4639This is so cool!:)calgal-3/31/2011 calgal-2/22/2011
4637and will always be with me.calgal-10/6/2009
4636God is always with me!calgal210/6/2009
4635He is !calgal-10/6/2009
4634he is 1calgal-10/6/2009
4633Every week is crazy. sometimes we don't notice it. May God be with you.Peter Dierks-10/5/2009
4632This week is Starting oue crazy, but we will go on with God.calgal-10/5/2009
4631<i>We are fit and they will see it! </i> But do the give a ...? --Peter Dierks-9/30/2009
4630Yes, graciousness is always appreciated. Thank you for being my friend.Peter Dierks-9/30/2009
4629And when to be thankfulcalgal-9/30/2009
4628We are making a list of what and who to be thankful forcalgal-9/30/2009
4627Great advice!calgal-9/29/2009
4626Good advice!calgal-9/29/2009
4625Good advice!calgal-9/29/2009
4624We are fit and they will see it!calgal-9/29/2009
4623It is very strange. Persistence is key. Every day you prove your fitness.Peter Dierks-9/28/2009
4622Trying to explain that we have no criminal record, are fit is inexplainablecalgal-9/27/2009
4621It sounds so strange.calgal-9/27/2009
4620We are moving on this case.calgal-9/27/2009
4619We are ready for battle!!:)calgal19/6/2009
4618Roll Tide! Great game!calgal-9/6/2009
4617You are so right and Karete kenny is a great warriorcalgal19/5/2009
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