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Strategies & Market Trends
trading the QQQ
An SI Board Since October 2001
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714 21 0
Emcee:  bernard rogers Type:  Unmoderated
In this thread i will post
my daily net profit/loss result

I started out day trading the QQQ's
and have moved on to day trading the e-minis.
(The commissions, and spreads are much better.)

I basically am a scalper with multiple
very short term day trades.
I never take a position overnight.

I started this thread,with the hope that exposing
my progress or lack of progress, to
the public eye, will help
make me a better trader.
I don't want to look like a fool or loser.

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
714I guess QQQ isn't too profitable. No profits to post. If I win $1000, shouManyMoose-3/2/2006
713Good morning J I hope your back is back to normal I am going to take at least bernard rogers-9/4/2003
712BUD what a short relationship we had. My back gave out last week and the Dr. tothe options strategist-9/1/2003
711Yes, that is precisely what i am saying. I intend to "get busy living"bernard rogers-8/27/2003
710Friend, Get busy living or get busy dieing. I do quite well adjusting my QQQ trDavid L. Hoevener-8/27/2003
709Good morning Beckya yes, You are right i really don't mean to take a positibernard rogers-8/27/2003
708"I am much more comfortable with long term positions that i just can forgetbeckya-8/27/2003
707The more i think about it The more i realize that i can not take this day tradinbernard rogers-8/26/2003
706I like the looks of the market for a long term short position 5 days to 6months bernard rogers-8/26/2003
705#7 short 1298 last trade of daybernard rogers-8/26/2003
704#6 short 1297.50 out 1295.50 +2pts stop 1299.50bernard rogers-8/26/2003
703out at 1289 -.5ptbernard rogers-8/26/2003
702#5 short 1288.50 stop 1290 order placed away from marketbernard rogers-8/26/2003
701out at 1284 -1pt no joy todaybernard rogers-8/26/2003
700#4 long 1285 stop 1283.50 time for a 1pm rally!! entered away from market butbernard rogers-8/26/2003
699out 1286 +1ptbernard rogers-8/26/2003
698I am going to stop updating my stops, it just takes up time and spacebernard rogers-8/26/2003
697stop to 1289.50bernard rogers-8/26/2003
696#3 short 1287 stop 1289.50 edit stop 1290.50 a proper order away from market bernard rogers-8/26/2003
695#2 long 1283.00 stop 1280.50 out 1285.00 +2pts edit stop 1285.00bernard rogers-8/26/2003
694#1 long 1292.50 stop 1290.50 out -2pts market order, this is wrong take brebernard rogers-8/26/2003
693tuesday 4 days left in which to excel yes monday was sloppy, same old mistakes tbernard rogers-8/26/2003
692day 4 -4pts cumulative +4.5pts a sloppy overtraded day got to do much betterbernard rogers-8/25/2003
691short at 1305.50 stop 1306. out at the end of the day for 1301.50bernard rogers-8/25/2003
690long 1300.50 stop 1299.00 edit stop 1301.50 ok maybe it will run this timebernard rogers-8/25/2003
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