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Strategies & Market Trends
2026 TeoTwawKi ... 2032 Darkest Interregnum
An SI Board Since September 2001
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
211211 634 3 GLD
Emcee:  TobagoJack Type:  Moderated
2025-02-02 Update
Message 35008321
2025 01 20 TeoTwawKi ... we are 11 months ahead of the designated date that was set for 2026 01 01, close-enough for government work, and now we wait to see the onset of the Darkest Interregnum, target date 2032 01 01

2022-03-06 Update

Must give space to part of my cultural heritage, and it be my favourite part, Soca

Previous update (2021.04.08) Message 33274261 as we close in on 2026 / 2032 re contributing factors to acceleration

Overarching Purpose: this thread shall try best to create the easy ambiance of an internet cafe situated in a politically-practical and gentrified neighbourhood where folks hang out 24-7-365 to ponder the process of collapse, have a cup, share a meal, tap on computers, and generally have a good time while fully cognisant that none shall get out of the future alive.

Any threader behaviour deemed to be detrimental to thread purpose shall be mercilessly stumped on

For issues not covered by above rule, I encourage you to use the 'Ignore' function.

Cheers, tobagojack

Thread common reference Message 32749999

Thread chant:
Chaos is gift
Crisis a partner
Volatility friend
Lonely path right way
Survive to survive another day

Thread music

Thread song

Thread scripture: “Fiat Money Inflation in France” by Andrew Dickson White

Thread understanding of history(ies)

Thread metal

The photo I took before boarding the flight on 29th February 2020
I brought on board the right items 2020 04 04

Further back, a video and review Message 32739067

and a kicker by which to trudge forward Message 32737826

Hello Maurice, Re <<You predicted this in about 2002 = inflationary depression. But you said it would be about 2018. You said the inflation of everything we need and the devaluation if everything we have. Teotwawki is looming large.>>

(1) Besides the factual that it was not 2002 but 2005, as far as I can determine thanks to the search function of SI

this day bull_dozer reminded me of something else Message 32737596 that showed beating Buffett is not difficult and almost child's play

(2) I was prompted to search SI archive and I came up w/ this post by me to you way back circa 2001 Message 15912646

about coconuts, paper coconuts, sausages and snausages

As events turned out, since that time, my largest winners were HK industrial real estate, and gold, in terms of unleverage gain averaging 10X and 2X, taking into account of additions along the way that pollutes the absolute single-point data, with neither about to give-back much if anything

So the strategy of saving in gold, but using all manner of mining techniques to get more gold, by sausages and snausages, seem to be sound, and may be sounder-still going forward

(3) Do you remember our dialogues w/r to QCOM? The first of many was this one circa 2001 February Message 15410107

etc etc

(4) In the meantime, prompted by bull_dozer's post, I did a few casual back-of-the-envelop searches that may help us to formulate a strategy going forward, the point of the thread cafe, so let us get data-intensive but data-simple , to discern what be best for savings as opposed for speculation by which we obtain more savings, for reasonable timespans that matter

1982 when I started work and bought my first of many eternal coins, that which I still own

1999 when I joined SI

2008 when you-know-what

1970, practically speaking, start of awareness

(5) Having figured out the way to go for savings, as opposed to speculation, we then must consider what amount of upside still might be wagering in the gold : DJIA ratio and in the gold : silver ratio

(5-i) Yes, I know, gold & silver does not pay dividends, however paltry

(5-ii) but Put / Call option premiums are no different than dividends and better, pays in good as well as bad times, plus ...

(5-iii) gold & silver, agilely accumulated and astutely stored, incurs no estate tax

(5-iv) Seems to me, under the circumstances of fiat money and peaking valuation of speculative assets, we need to consider gold and silver, first paper gold and paper silver and paper coconuts, and secondly the real thing, and how best to use the power of the paper to accumulate the solidity of the actual

I seek your feedback, for I need to know where I might be wrong, especially if I am in danger of being very wrong.

1915, eternity, practically

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211211A republican who wants it both ways. All things considered, I hope she gets it Box-By-The-Riviera™-20 minutes ago
211210crazy rissk wonder what's paying him 6100 a month in divvies vs. 190k invesBox-By-The-Riviera™-57 minutes ago
211209>> THE F*CKING F*CKS... From X: I'm only paying about $800 a month obull_dozer-an hour ago
211208>> Elon Musk is now Harry Bolz <G> Circumcisions at a discount, nowbull_dozer-an hour ago
211207He dresses like Sam Bankman-Fried. Throw him in jail. Message #211202 from Pogeu Mahone1an hour ago
211206Trump says he could withhold aid from Jordan and Egypt if they reject his Gaza dPogeu Mahone-an hour ago
211205ROFLAMAO!! I knew he and big balls were doing something on the side. It's Box-By-The-Riviera™-2 hours ago
211204Harry Bolz tokens up 17000% Elon Musk's New Avatar "Harry Bolz" cPogeu Mahone-2 hours ago
211203>> no worries. his name is big balls. Elon Musk is now Harry Bolz <G&gbull_dozer-3 hours ago
211202[graphic]Box-By-The-Riviera™13 hours ago
211201looks like the guy in the eraserhead film. en.wikipedia.orgmarcher-3 hours ago
211200yep, plane crashes/problems appear to be a growing fad. my guess is that deregumarcher-3 hours ago
211199--neoliberals and conservatives...did well-- unfortunately for u.s. culture, inmarcher-3 hours ago
211198Alcohol! Why do airline pilots drink so much? The simple answer is that alcohPogeu Mahone-4 hours ago
211197Forget J-36s here is something that is really deadly, vegetables! The Boston Pogeu Mahone-4 hours ago
211196well, looking at some of them who post on here, I would say some are amused, eveBox-By-The-Riviera™-4 hours ago
211195are your fellow countrymen amused by what is happening? the happenings seem meaTobagoJack-7 hours ago no worries. his name is big balls.Box-By-The-Riviera™18 hours ago
211193Re <<u.s. neoliberals and conservatives have hollowed out public ...>&gTobagoJack18 hours ago
211192re <<u.s. neoliberals and conservatives have hollowed out public ...>&gTobagoJack-8 hours ago
211191Cash market for tokenized gold on crypto exchange right now, as in now-now coingTobagoJack-1 AM
211190Question, how do we trade a vertical market Answer, with great care Can considerTobagoJack-1 AM
211189[graphic]Julius Wong-yesterday
211188re <<u.s. neoliberals and conservatives>> sides did well, and perhapTobagoJack1yesterday
211187something Billionaire Investor Tepper Boosted Bets on China BeforTobagoJack-yesterday
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