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Foreign Affairs Discussion Group
An SI Board Since September 2001
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281500Elsewhere, I thank you for your good reply. I hope your day is well.roto-10/25/2021
281499Many posters active two decades ago are no longer around. Colin Powell's deElsewhere-10/19/2021
281498it's most unfortunate that this thread is dormantroto110/19/2021
281497My last word on that article. He is too forgiving of the past US mistakes, and Sun Tzu-11/27/2020
281496A well reasoned article that calls for a more honest and pragmatic national secuSun Tzu-11/27/2020
281495That is the most sane piece of FA strategy piece that I have read in a long timeSun Tzu-11/27/2020
281494What Donald Trump and Dick Cheney Got Wrong About AmericaWe allowed an importantSun Tzu-11/27/2020
281493Re: That dismissed as well with a statement that America has no racism problem, Sun Tzu-11/26/2020
281492Scoop: Israeli military prepares for possibility Trump will strike Iran [graphiSun Tzu-11/26/2020
281491It is what it is or You aren't what you aren't Hoover and Trump have a Graystone111/25/2020
281490The Disastrous Idea That Won’t Go Away Trump might be tempted to order a militarSun Tzu-11/20/2020
281489Alternatives to USD as the reserve currency. This doesn't mean that nobody wSun Tzu-11/20/2020
281488Lets be specific. What exactly will we see in 10 years ?Fiscally Conservative-11/20/2020
281487You will see it within 10 years. No point in debating it here.Sun Tzu111/19/2020
281486Not lack of Alternative ! It is not about the alternative simply because iFiscally Conservative-11/19/2020
281485There is nothing that can compete Market Capitalization wise to that of the $ DoFiscally Conservative-11/19/2020
281484Hi, bro! I think that I can't answer you right now, but... I'm studying BillShiphr-11/19/2020
281483“Tomorrow’s successful states will probably be those that invest in infrastructuSun Tzu-11/16/2020
281482Trump is a Chump. But you paint with broad brush just like Chump.Fiscally Conservative-11/16/2020
281481So in conclusion you can do no better than emulate Trump? How disappointing.Sun Tzu-11/16/2020
281480This coming from a Transgendered shemaleFiscally Conservative-11/16/2020
281479You should become a Chinese National and put all doubt to rest ;)Fiscally Conservative-11/16/2020
281478Can you explain to me why some other country has to beat the US on GDP before thSun Tzu111/15/2020
281477You are only partially correct. There are advantages that are afforded to the nSun Tzu-11/15/2020
281476"We are the swinging dicks and that’s all there is." Unfortunately yoSawdusty-11/15/2020
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