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Foreign Affairs Discussion Group
An SI Board Since September 2001
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I. Foreign Affairs Discussion Group

Welcome to the Foreign Affairs Discussion Group. This is the place to post your thoughts, questions, and comments on American foreign policy issues. Although the suggested reading lists generally refer to articles in Foreign Affairs magazine, please feel free to suggest or post useful information from any other source within the spirit of the Topic Guidelines below.

Rudeness is considered Off Topic. Before you join the discussion please read (and heed) this article by Jane Gault: Message 18475463

Also, please read the following articles:

"I personally would start discussions of contemporary American foreign policy with the Wohlforth & Brooks piece from the July/Aug Foreign Affairs ( Message 18407694 )and the Kagan piece from the June/July Policy Review ( I haven't yet seen anything really interesting on the larger or general questions since then." --tekboy

II. Topic Guidelines

1. Discussions relating to any article in Foreign Affairs magazine.
2. Discussions relating to current events, especially items concerning:
- US relations with Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, EU, Middle Eastern Countries
- The War on Terrorism
- Military policy, capabilities, and tactics
- Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
3. Drop me a PM if you have any questions about the suitability of a topic.

III. Items Considered Off-Topic

0. 14April03 - My effort to pare down the number of posts during this, the invasion/liberation of Iraq
Message 18833592
1. Check this reference (#reply-16607278) for one such list of OT (and ON Topic) items.
2. Search on This Subject using the keyword topics for the most recent list.
3. The topic lists are titled List of OFF Topic Items

IV. Suggested Resources

Foreign Affairs Magazine
I became a Foreign Affairs subscriber back in April 2001. I have been pleased with the quality and variety of the material I've read. If you are interested in international issues, I recommend you consider a subscription to "FA".

Foreign Affairs v81 (2002) Table of Contents
n1 (Jan-Feb) #reply-17424356
n2 (Mar-Apr) #reply-17424357
n3 (May-Jun) #reply-17424240
n4 (Jul-Aug)
n5 (Sep-Oct)
n6 (Nov-Dec)

The New York Times
Even though I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, I've had a home subscription to the NY Times for several years. I have found it to be an invaluable source of articulate reporting and commentary. Highly recommended.

A Foreign Affairs Special Briefing
The Terrorist Attack on America - Introduction and Summaries

Books on Terrorism, War, and Foreign Policy

1. Anybody really interested in following what the big-league debate over American grand strategy in the post-Cold-War era has been should check out this collection, which contains many of the "greatest hits" of that discussion: Edited By James Hoge, Jr., and Gideon Rose, American and the World: Debating the New Shape of International Politics

See also 'wonkster's Amazon Reading List at :

2. Terrorism throughout history: Bruce Hoffman, Inside Terrorism

3. A general survey on how to think about counterterrorism policy today: Paul Pillar, Terrorism and American Foreign Policy

4. A primer on the challenges of homeland defense and WMD terrorism: Falkenrath, et al., America's Achilles Heel

Superb overview of the Taiwan Straits issues and Chinese strategic thinking
Message 16361704

Other References
1. A brief discussion of other foreign policy publications:
Message 17461135
4. Michael Doran, "Somebody Else's Civil War": Message 17498211

Backup FADG site established at;
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
281500Elsewhere, I thank you for your good reply. I hope your day is well.roto-10/25/2021
281499Many posters active two decades ago are no longer around. Colin Powell's deElsewhere-10/19/2021
281498it's most unfortunate that this thread is dormantroto110/19/2021
281497My last word on that article. He is too forgiving of the past US mistakes, and Sun Tzu-11/27/2020
281496A well reasoned article that calls for a more honest and pragmatic national secuSun Tzu-11/27/2020
281495That is the most sane piece of FA strategy piece that I have read in a long timeSun Tzu-11/27/2020
281494What Donald Trump and Dick Cheney Got Wrong About AmericaWe allowed an importantSun Tzu-11/27/2020
281493Re: That dismissed as well with a statement that America has no racism problem, Sun Tzu-11/26/2020
281492Scoop: Israeli military prepares for possibility Trump will strike Iran [graphiSun Tzu-11/26/2020
281491It is what it is or You aren't what you aren't Hoover and Trump have a Graystone111/25/2020
281490The Disastrous Idea That Won’t Go Away Trump might be tempted to order a militarSun Tzu-11/20/2020
281489Alternatives to USD as the reserve currency. This doesn't mean that nobody wSun Tzu-11/20/2020
281488Lets be specific. What exactly will we see in 10 years ?Fiscally Conservative-11/20/2020
281487You will see it within 10 years. No point in debating it here.Sun Tzu111/19/2020
281486Not lack of Alternative ! It is not about the alternative simply because iFiscally Conservative-11/19/2020
281485There is nothing that can compete Market Capitalization wise to that of the $ DoFiscally Conservative-11/19/2020
281484Hi, bro! I think that I can't answer you right now, but... I'm studying BillShiphr-11/19/2020
281483“Tomorrow’s successful states will probably be those that invest in infrastructuSun Tzu-11/16/2020
281482Trump is a Chump. But you paint with broad brush just like Chump.Fiscally Conservative-11/16/2020
281481So in conclusion you can do no better than emulate Trump? How disappointing.Sun Tzu-11/16/2020
281480This coming from a Transgendered shemaleFiscally Conservative-11/16/2020
281479You should become a Chinese National and put all doubt to rest ;)Fiscally Conservative-11/16/2020
281478Can you explain to me why some other country has to beat the US on GDP before thSun Tzu111/15/2020
281477You are only partially correct. There are advantages that are afforded to the nSun Tzu-11/15/2020
281476"We are the swinging dicks and that’s all there is." Unfortunately yoSawdusty-11/15/2020
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