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209892 812 0 $SPX
Emcee:  Henry J Costanzo Type:  Moderated
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209892Hi Justinfo, I can answer that as Henry gave me his thoughts on that very subjerobert b furman511/6/2024
209891Even though it has been many years I still miss Henry. Today someone asked for aJustinfo211/5/2024
209890Thank you SOL! Bobrobert b furman-10/29/2023
209889Amen!!! SOJSweet Ol-10/29/2023
209888Hi Henry in Heaven, I've missed your passing by several days. Just to let robert b furman710/28/2023
209887Hi Henry in Heaven, Just want to say I miss your posts and views on the market.robert b furman59/1/2022
209886Hi Maria, First off, "Thank You" for taking the time to advise us of robert b furman69/19/2021
209885It has taken a bit of time to process the loss of Henry, a great man who seemed Shack209/18/2021
209884This was a highlight for Henry - holding the Stanley cup with his team after thetntpal59/17/2021
209883RIP Henry. Good show. (per twitter post from Maria, his daughter)pedro_deleon39/17/2021
209882Maria Thank you for sharing RIP Henry You will be missed Your Tweets will be mircksinc19/17/2021
209881RIP Henry, was a pleasure to meet with you and have such meaningful discussions Jack of All Trades69/17/2021
209880Thanks, Maria So sorry for your loss. Amazing guy, amazing life and contributeddhellman19/17/2021
209879Thank you for reporting on this board. R.I.P. Henry I'll never forget the hrdkflorida2-9/17/2021
209878Sad news to report from Henry's Twitter account: This is Henry's daughtBob209/17/2021
209877Thanks always appreciate Henry's insights.rdkflorida2-8/16/2021
209876rd Henry Tweet on AAPL Comment on Futures today twitter.comrcksinc-8/16/2021
209875Thanks for your efforts. Much appreciated.rdkflorida2-8/11/2021
209874rd I'm 100% with you on Henry I almost posted his spx chart from the weekercksinc28/10/2021
209873Thanks for the info. He saved me a bundle with some of his work. I can never trdkflorida218/10/2021
209872Henry is quite active on Twitter twitter.comrcksinc18/10/2021
209871Any news on Henry? TIA for any responses.rdkflorida2-8/10/2021 He is well. Thank you Henry.KevinKT25/31/2021
209869Good to hear from you Henry. Hope all is well. Take it easy on the Cannoli andrdkflorida212/17/2021
209868Carissima Katerina: MANY thanks for your very VERY kind ...but undeserved...worHenry J Costanzo32/17/2021
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