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Technology Stocks
Qualcomm-Coming Into Buy Range II
An SI Board Since April 2001
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
24 11 0 QCOM
Emcee:  qveauriche Type:  Unmoderated
I am starting this thread because of the present inability of the original Buy Range thread to stay on topic. I frankly hope that this will be a temporary thread, and that we can soon go back to our natural home ( Buy Range I, not the 40s). Until that time, I have started this thread for those who wish to discuss current QCOM topics without the subject matter constraints of the Moderated thread.
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24Looks like the Buy Range I is getting more on topic,and this thread seems to havqveauriche-4/7/2001
23EO: yeah it seems Q's T/A coincides with Naz.surfbaron-4/6/2001
22no problem, surfbaron. It helps in that the headwind will be helping QCOM ratheEepOpp-4/6/2001
21thanks EO. Now how does that affect the Q in a TA way.surfbaron-4/6/2001
20>> Actually, I picked up some April 50's yesterday. Good luck with tUncle Frank-4/6/2001
19I'm trying to remember who it was who said Q would be at 2500 by 2005. Yeahcarranza2-4/6/2001
18uf, Actually, I picked up some April 50's yesterday. First time I've weCooters-4/6/2001
17Re:Coming into sell range, nothing would please me more. What would that be? 200qveauriche-4/6/2001
16market related Message 15622395EepOpp-4/6/2001
15Heck, we were as high as 57 5/8 last Friday. We've only been in the 40s sinUncle Frank-4/6/2001
14Yes, 52-53 is where we dropped off from last time. But I suspect we won't semightylakers-4/6/2001
13>> 55 at maybe 2.25 after Q touches 50 tomorrow. How about $3 when Q touUncle Frank-4/6/2001
12UF, I would rather write 55 at maybe 2.25 after Q touches 50 tomorrow.mightylakers-4/6/2001
11We needed another Q thread. I only had 4 bookmarked before. The question is, iUncle Frank-4/6/2001
10Can we get down to some serious Tits And Ass here. What the hell do the charts ssurfbaron-4/6/2001
9I just checked G* earning, -20 a share. Wow.mightylakers-4/6/2001
8I will. <H>waverider-4/6/2001
7qveauriche -- your subject title has the hyphen and the spaces around it slightlJon Koplik-4/6/2001
6Will anybody come if I start a Qcom coming into sell range thread? <ggg>mightylakers14/6/2001
5Oh yeah ??? (regarding daring to start a new Qualcomm thread). Maybe it is a goJon Koplik-4/5/2001
4Thanks qveau, I was getting tired of all the geo-political crap myself. It'sDAM-4/5/2001
3Good evening. Happy to find some peace and quiet here. Hope it continues. ARSalanrs-4/5/2001
2Welcome aboard brother. Hopefully today was the start of something good. At leasqveauriche-4/5/2001
1How about Leaving this damn buy range for good..... I spent way too long in theCooters-4/5/2001
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