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Books, Movies, Food, Wine, and Whatever
An SI Board Since February 2001
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Emcee:  epicure Type:  Moderated
Welcome to the thread. This is a thread for liberals and moderates- and people who are not a** holes to liberals and moderates. Talk about politics, books, movies, music, food, whatever. Trolls coming here just to stir up trouble, or those who come here to entertain their compatriots on other threads, will be banned. There are threads for fighting- this will not be one of them.

VERY Important- please read
**** If you cannot PM me because I have you on ignore, or you have me on ignore, do NOT post here, or you will be banned. I'm really not interested in talking to people I don't find congenial. If I were, I'd come find you. Those who make the effort to come find me even though they don't like me make me think they're even stupider than I thought they were before.

For those without the mental horsepower to understand the above- "RIGHT WINGERS ARE NOT WELCOME". If you are unable to figure out whether you are a right winger or not just don't post here. Let's not take the risk. I really want to save you the ban, unless you really really get off on that sort of thing. In which case, bring it on.

Freedom of association- it's important. It gives us the right to associate with folks we find congenial. So many people confuse freedom of speech (and the right to remain free of the government shutting you up) with the "Right" to talk to everyone- even people who don't want to talk to them. Grow up and learn- you don't have a "right" to talk to people who don't like you. You can try to exercise said right, but don't do it here- I haven't the patience for such moronic and juvenile ideas. You can't go in your neighbor's living room if he doesn't like you, and you can't force people not to block your phone calls, and you can't force your way in here. Suck it up and deal with it- it's reality.

Most important thing in life- be happy, make the people you love happy

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
51527I'm reading: ' A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians GRon-yesterday
51526Interesting. I never expected any real character depth in those writers or BradbJhana-yesterday
51525One of the moments that marks my conversion from science fiction fanatic into anLoneClone-yesterday
51524I re-read the trilogy awhile back, and frankly found some of it boring. I was sRon-yesterday
51523I grew up on a steady diet of Asimov and Clarke novels. I guess I didn't haJhana-yesterday
51522We made it through the entire Napoleon movie... it was like watching a slow-rollRon-yesterday
51521I made it through 40 minutes of the movie "Napoleon" on Apple TV beforJhana-yesterday
51520 The Crow Girl The Crow Girl is a new crime series filmed in Bristol,LoneClone1Monday
51519Yes, it's much easier to read about irritating characters than to have to exJhana-Sunday
51518Slow Horses is a sketchy version of the books, which are fairly dense and very BRon-Sunday
51517We wanted to like "Bad Sisters" but realized early in episode 3 that wJhana-Sunday
51516We've started 'The Breakthrough' on Netflix, a Swedish murder mysterRon-last Friday
51515We finished our rewatching adventure of "Inspector George Gently," nowJhana-last Friday
51514Interesting.. there's a lot on Youtube now. I didn't think of searching Ron-last Thursday
51513Found some on YouTube...... youtube.comJhana-last Thursday
51512We got the DVD set for Christmas. It was on the Kino Lorber label. We do fire uRon-last Thursday
51511I checked Amazon; they show the French version not available. Where did you seeJhana-last Thursday
51510We've been watching 'The Bureau' a French espionage thriller. ItRon-February 5
51509"Protection" on Britbox was a rollercoaster ride to the finish with onJhana-February 5
51508I remember that when driving south to California the first "cali' sign LoneClone-February 3
51507I've never had the pleasure, to my recollection: These California Olives ArS. maltophilia-February 3
51506 Jack Taylor S03 I had missed that there was a third and LoneClone-January 31
51505Paramount+ keeps putting out Taylor Sheridan shows. Landman is a view into the oJeff Hayden-January 23
51504Silo, season two is entertaining on Apple TV. Waiting for more Severance to downRon-January 22
51503I should set up this tale by saying it happened in the very staid and genteel ciLoneClone1January 17
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