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An SI Board Since November 2000
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Emcee:  Don Pueblo Type:  Moderated
We're liberal and we want a liberal president!

We are concerned that Dade and Broward counties have changed the rules for counting a vote after the election started. It appears that our Gore team is simply trying to get the ballots changed to increase the vote for Gore. We have a small, nagging voice that says, "That's not quite the way we had this pictured out in our heads."

We are concerned that the team has attempted to stop the military from voting.

Message 14846331

We see now that Al Gore, William Daley, and the rest of their crew do not really care about us, because they are trying to overturn the election and take control by any criminal means necessary.

Our operatives have been exposed:

Message 14844943

But we are really good people!

We are honest liberals, and we have honor. We see that a terrible mistake has been made here, and that we should have chosen someone who would not screw everything up and get us all into trouble. We are not sure the William Daley would be the best person to run our campaign, since he might not be totally completely honest at all times.

Let's talk about it without all the conservative dickheads that are saying, "I told you so! You are playing with criminals and people that have no morals!"

We do have morals! We just don't like the way things are!

We need a new candidate in 2004, since Al really screwed us!

We concede this election and we need to regroup and stop doing all this bad things that endanger our image with the public.

Who should we choose? Richard Daley? Warren Christopher? Martin Sheen? Sting? Wait, Sting is not a citizen. OK, somebody in a band would be good. That way we could get commercials for cheap. Joan Jett. Is she a liberal? She's gay, right? Isn't she gay? Is she? How about David Lee Roth. He's gay, right? No? Well who, then? Who can lead us? It has to be someone that does not have a rap sheet. That narrows it down.

And somebody that is not high at the present time. That narrows it down. How about that guy with the big forehead that is on TV? He would be good, right? Is he gay? OK, how about Geraldo Rivera? He's good. He has his own show.

Let's talk! All conservative people will be banned, so we can talk about this without worry.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
119Just to show you how political the Florida Supreme court is: From the article: penuts-11/29/2000
118Time to VOTE <g> Subject 37489Susan G-11/28/2000
117Too funny, thanks.Sir Auric Goldfinger-11/27/2000
116Read a few of the greatest words ever spoken to our Hiuse: Patrick Henry TideGlider-11/27/2000
115Special Palm Beach County ballot here..its not too late to let yourRon-11/27/2000
114<<<Kipton Roderick, a 25-year-old worker for an insurance brokerage, sakha vu-11/23/2000
113latest news: also sign the petition stoptherecountpkha vu-11/23/2000 By CATHERINE WILSON, Associated Press Writer Judge kha vu-11/23/2000
111We can all give it a chance...B...B...B...later (Blood, Bullets and Bandaids laTideGlider-11/22/2000
110Thanks for the beautiful reminders, TideGilder! KLPKLP-11/22/2000
109G) Sedn in the lawyers, they clearly control everything, it's sick.Sir Auric Goldfinger-11/22/2000
108Sure you can run Sting for president. Tell the judge I said it was awright. moosebeary-11/22/2000
106If they don't, it is because they have a 28.8 modem. A loss. Happy ThanksgiCarolyn-11/22/2000
105Glad to be able to share!! Many threads people won't even look! All the beTideGlider-11/22/2000
104TideGlider, what wonderful stories to share. Thank you for posting these. We wiCarolyn-11/22/2000
103POP QUIZ Problem: You have some friends who have offered to help you out on a rDon Pueblo-11/22/2000
102Time is...TideGlider-11/22/2000
101I read it all. Thanks very much!Don Pueblo-11/22/2000
100I think it is time that we all atone for our sins. That we rejoice in the commonTideGlider-11/22/2000
99fROM GORE'S HOME STATE: any guess why lawyers are the biggest contributors tBen Wa-11/22/2000
98I know - so fake is Al. You know, the camera does not lie. He is obvious to allCarolyn-11/22/2000
97Carolyn, The amazing thing is that there is no way Al Gore can win this. We hJohn Lacelle-11/22/2000
96He'll either try to ignore it by saying it is all unimportant (a la Clinton)Carolyn-11/22/2000
95Funny thing, Gore might be the first President inaugerated the same day he gets John Lacelle-11/22/2000
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