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Voting Machine Companies
An SI Board Since November 2000
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Emcee:  levy Type:  Unmoderated
The presidential election debacle is sure to trigger new laws outlawing hole punch voting machines. The county in Florida where I live recently bought a new system that worked perfectly during the election. In fact the recount came out with the same exact number. Their machines are from a Canadian company called Global Election Systems. A number of other Florida counties also use this system. Their stock has had high volume and a big jump in stock price since the election. This forum is created in an effort to profit from this election debacle...join in and share your knowledge about these companies. Here are two links I found on GSM
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
69Ron Paul: Going the Distance - Dr. Paul gives another update on the campaign - NYBob1-3/8/2008
68The end of democracy.Sidney Reilly-3/6/2008
67Princeton researchers have shown how a criminal can steal an election undetecNYBob1-3/6/2008
66"An investigation into the surprisingly-sordid history of America’s electioSidney Reilly-11/21/2004
65I finally picked up that subtle fact the other night while reading the story to Neeka-10/11/2004
64I still think the #2 pencils and blank round dots would solve much of the probleKLP-10/11/2004
62Note: go through the past notes here....KLP-9/13/2004
61This board definitely should stay open for the 2004 election! This should give KLP-9/4/2004
60This article may be of interest <i>Players hoping to become big election Tom Clarke-2/8/2001
59Jay, the price and exchange are right, but everything else (company name, news) Jon Tara-2/7/2001
58this says amex siliconinvestor.comlevy-2/7/2001
57GLE was formerly the symbol for Gleason Corp. on NYSE, which stopped trading somJay Arkay-2/7/2001
56I plugged in gle and got some other company?levy-2/7/2001
55BTW, I checked with my broker, and was told that GLELF is a "mandatory convJon Tara-2/4/2001
54Tomorrow's the day--Global starts trading on AMEX under the symbol GLE. In Jay Arkay-2/4/2001
53Global had its origins in Canada, in the Vancouver area where they still maintaiJay Arkay-1/30/2001
52I was quite pleased with the manner in which Global pursued their AMEX listing. Jon Tara-1/30/2001
51Global hitting new 52-week highs Volume has also been strong on the TSE, nearly Jay Arkay-1/30/2001
50yes I saw that and stock up in responselevy-1/25/2001
49AMEX listing for Global Election Systems This should greatly increJay Arkay-1/25/2001
48That's a beau-ti-ful flag there, though, Levy! :)Jon Tara-12/1/2000
47hursday November 30, 8:18 am Eastern Time Press Release Global's Election levy-12/1/2000
46Susan I am done researching this out...if you read over the thread you will see levy-12/1/2000
45scoop alert: levy - this just in from msnbc <g> Wisconsin made a decisionSusan G-11/30/2000
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