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What happened to FBNA?
An SI Board Since September 2000
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Emcee:  Tom C Type:  Unmoderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
22Humbly waiting for earnings. Cheers!Lahcim Leinad-4/1/2012
21FOURTEEN YEARS !!! Message 28053633TEDennis-4/1/2012
20<<Another simply gave up posting and whiles away his time guzzling rum bob-10/20/2000
19Tom, As long as I'm here I'll post my 2 cents. Like you, I believe weLarry Brew-10/9/2000
18Hi Tom, <I>Can you make a case for LUcy at this price?</I> Yes, I EL KABONG!!!-10/9/2000
17Kerry, Can you make a case for LUcy at this price? It closed at 32 5/8 today doTom C-10/9/2000
16Larry, What are you doing here? I knew I made mistake by not making this a moTom C-10/9/2000
15<i>I haven't followed MSFT fundamentally to any depth lately for a speTom C-10/9/2000
14TEDennis, Thanks for the birthday regards over on HCDC. I clicked to see what Larry Brew-10/9/2000
13I hope it didn't sound like I was criticizing that move. I, too, thought it Bill Ulrich-10/9/2000
12MrB, Let's be fair about it (Lucy). For a long time now, I've had a buEL KABONG!!!-10/9/2000
11I haven't followed MSFT fundamentally to any depth lately for a specific comBill Ulrich-10/9/2000
10ON TOPIC Mr Softy is below 56. Anyone think this is a time to buy? I've nevTom C-10/7/2000
9Bill, I wonder what Ed Yourdon is doing. I considered him an opportunist beforeTom C-10/7/2000
8Having heard that my namesake is now writing self-help books, I went shopping foBill Ulrich-10/7/2000
7<I>Hey! Don't pick on CEO Tom! </I> Thanks TED! When I signed Tom C-10/6/2000
6Bill, It was unique. The feeling of being an early si adopter ( I almost wrote Tom C-10/6/2000
5<I>FBNA had its moment in time, though. It must have been the most popularEL KABONG!!!-10/4/2000
4Re: It's management's fault Hey! Don't pick on CEO Tom! He inheriTEDennis-10/2/2000
3Tom, <I>So what happened?</I> Well, just for starters, there were EL KABONG!!!-9/25/2000
2That's the problem with conquering the world&#151there ain't much toBill Ulrich-9/25/2000
1How do you like the "Market Trends" category? I bet it works better thTom C-9/15/2000
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