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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since July 2000
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74 15 0 HPOW
Emcee:  993racer Type:  Unmoderated
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74cnn.comKeith Fauci-2/14/2004
73Are you interested in this stock. I met a guy on a plane from this company. TheyOak Tree-8/6/2002
72Anybody see any news causing the bump at the end of the day on fuel cell companiDEM-4/22/2002
70Heeeeellllllllllo H2SteveO I really cannot comment on that one.I try and stick wD.Austin-2/26/2002
69HPOW chart looks great ,,, should go higher from hereSilicon Trader-2/26/2002
68a Major defection from HPOW to DCH ?? Tuesday February 26, 11:00 am Eastern TimScoobah-2/26/2002
67added @ 2.39 Building up my free share's--- LoOkInG tO sElL aGaIn--low 4'D.Austin-2/26/2002
66Congressman backs fuel cell technology for U.S. By:Bill Doak, Editor FebruarD.Austin-2/26/2002
65Hydrogen in, Water Out — Clearly, the AUTOnomy is Clean DETROIT (Jan. 7, 2001)D.Austin-1/9/2002
64AUTOnomy Concept Allows Designers to Think Outside the Box DETROIT (Jan. 7, 200D.Austin-1/9/2002
63A look @ the GM AUTOnomy Concept Vehicle click on the car. - DETROITD.Austin-1/9/2002
62Here is a fuel cell company, selling working units to the US Air Force: ThursdaScoobah-11/11/2001
61Is Bill Zang still with this company? I used to work with him at one of his premtnres-11/11/2001
60HPOW is the Pick of the Day at microcapprofiles.compennyangel-8/29/2001
59+++++++++++++++IS+++++++++ HPOW ready set run to 10..D.Austin-7/10/2001
57gonna be hotter than the 4th of July soonSecret_Agent_Man-5/27/2001
56More fire!Tom Hua-5/17/2001
54hpow prtn and mcel all up at the open --mcel plus more than a dollar---i better LTK007-5/2/2001
53Yup, I figure the closer we get to summer the further she goes, i was getting tiSecret_Agent_Man-5/2/2001
52crusader are you still with this one?Really made a move today but can't uneaLTK007-5/2/2001
51I have to agree. Today was a significant trading day for HPOW. HPOW made the Gerry Belanger Jr.-3/29/2001
50HPOW looks poised to rally fwiw. Coming out of a low level base which suggests iBrandon-3/25/2001
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