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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since June 2000
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75 13 0 STLW
Emcee:  KENNETH DOAN Type:  Unmoderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
75From 11/29/2000 release: <i>"The Company believes it is in a positioopalapril-11/29/2000
74(COMTEX) B: Stratos Lightwave Achieves Record Second Quarter 2001 Res B: StrJames E Lynch-11/29/2000
73(COMTEX) Stratos Lightwave Inc (NMS:STLW) Earnings Report Stratos Lightwave James E Lynch-11/28/2000
72(COMTEX) Stratos Lightwave Inc (NMS:STLW) Earnings Report Stratos Lightwave James E Lynch-11/19/2000
71 (COMTEX)     B: Stratos Lightwave Introduces New ConneJames E Lynch-11/18/2000
70One problem of STLW is that they are only forecasting 10-12% EPS increase for 01Joseph Waligore-11/14/2000
69YO BUDDY. If they upgrade this POS any more it's going to be at ZERO.HomeBoy Security-11/13/2000
68I am interested in STLW, but why has the stock price floundered so much? They acyberman-11/8/2000
67Stratos Lightwav Reiterated `Buy' at Lehman By DSecret_Agent_Man-9/8/2000
66STLW beats earnings. CEO will be on CNBC today.Jim Furley-9/7/2000
65have you guys noticed the prices of STLW leaps.. march 01 leaps for example.. STgo_bucks-9/2/2000
64INSTITUTIONS JUMP ON STRATOS TODAY ******NEWS FROM MSN.COM 08/22/00InstitutionalSecret_Agent_Man-8/23/2000
63Some <b><i>light</b></i> reading...enjoy Before you reaSecret_Agent_Man-8/22/2000
62LISTEN SI BOZO's THIS is the STLW thread and thus STLW's News can be posSecret_Agent_Man-8/21/2000
61Some interesting comments from Kevin Landis, manager Firsthand Technology ValSecret_Agent_Man-8/20/2000
60all the news to expect ...last sunday on the web site...there were about 7 nSecret_Agent_Man-8/17/2000
59Three NEWS releases after 8:39pm Tonight!!!!! bizSecret_Agent_Man-8/15/2000
58From the METHA annual Report!:In May of 2000 Methode formed a subsidiary companySecret_Agent_Man-8/14/2000
57To ALL:Proposal to close this thread and consolidate over to original thread. TRed Dragon-8/14/2000
5611:12 ET Stratos Lightwave (STLW) 36 1/8 +1 5/8 (+4.7%): StSecret_Agent_Man-8/14/2000
55All The LATEST Stratos NEW PRODUCT-News is Here Optical TrSecret_Agent_Man-8/13/2000
54Stratos Lightwave introduces family of ATM OC-48 2.488Gbps (2.5 gigabit) small Secret_Agent_Man-8/13/2000
53THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE HALF A LEAGUE, half a league, Half a leagueSecret_Agent_Man-8/11/2000
52I have watched nearly every tic of STLW since purchasing it for my clients and Imystifier4-8/6/2000
51What you speak of is a perception I do not share however, some would make a caseSecret_Agent_Man-8/5/2000
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