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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since April 1996
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68 1 0 QCOM
Emcee:  Leon Vincent Type:  Unmoderated
I have a big stake in Qualcomm.
Last week was bad but I dollar cost averaged at $33 and increased my stake.
Qualcomm is up to 35 1/2 at last count.
Does anybody know if any new CDMA information is out.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
68GSM/EDGE Evolution standardization: Phase 1 completed 2006 Nokia renewed its comBennitto-11/30/2005
67I was wrong. My Bad. He is here. Post ten. Message 148898Dennis Roth-11/24/2005
66What's this? A Qualcomm board without a post from Maurice Winn on it? How isDennis Roth-11/24/2005
65 Mr. Merryman, I havn't read any posts from you lately. I hope all is well. xr1-3/5/1997
64 Mr. Merryman, I have just read that MOT has its own version of cdma, not IS-95 xr1-2/23/1997
63 Below is a press release: Motorola wins $35 million deal to supply Wireless NoPhilip Merryman-2/11/1997
62 General information about the wireless industry is available at whiPhilip Merryman-2/8/1997
61 A graph of the annualized service revenues of wireless providers from 1985 to 1Philip Merryman-2/8/1997
60 Mr. Jarrett, The question whether Qualcomm's price/earnings ratio is high Philip Merryman-2/8/1997
59 Actually, this is to the group in general. I am new to this thread, but having Scott Jarrett-2/8/1997
58 Wireless Week has an article entitled "Qualcomm Up Close" available aPhilip Merryman-2/7/1997
57 According to Greg Klimek, President of Cellular One, sales of CDMA phones in PhPhilip Merryman-2/6/1997
56 Mr. Benn, Thank you for your observations. It pleases me to come across peoplePhilip Merryman-2/4/1997
55 >>.. CDMA will essentially replace landline telephones for the purposes oAllen Benn-2/4/1997
54 Full commercial CDMA service is available in the following United States locatiPhilip Merryman-1/30/1997
53 Mr. Nadel, Usually -- not always -- but usually the stock price reflects a comPhilip Merryman-1/30/1997
52 Mr. Merryman, I enjoy reading your very informative posts. It appears to me thaxr1-1/30/1997
51 The following news summary is provided by the Cellular Telecommunications IndusPhilip Merryman-1/29/1997
50 Below is a news report posted on the Web site of Wireless Week on 1/29/97: GTEPhilip Merryman-1/29/1997
49 To all: Below is an excerpt from a 1/28/97 Richmond Times-Dispatch article avaPhilip Merryman-1/28/1997
48 * Hambrecht & Quist said its analyst Rakesh Sood raised QUALCOMM INC's duncan moyer-8/19/1996
47 Eudora represents a minor minor minor part of what Qualcomm does. the news meaMing Pan-8/16/1996
46 Thanks Pete,please keep this feed open with info on QCOM J>D.j.d.robbins-8/13/1996
45 I heard on CNBC a comment on how the Republican primary sight was connected viaPete Minnihan-8/13/1996
44 To Par and all: an invitation to join us on the CDMA, Qualcomm thread Par, I aRamsey Su-8/11/1996
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