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Technology Stocks
June 9, 2000: AT and T Short Squeeze Day
An SI Board Since May 2000
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Emcee:  zwolff Type:  Unmoderated
AT&T currently has the largest short interest in the NY Stock exchange. As a result the shares keep making 52 weeks lows every single day.

As you know shorts are borrowing your shares to sell them! Many shorts are fund managers or brokerage houses that are always ready to make quick momentum gains.

Following an idea of Maurice Winn for Globastar
Subject 34482

I thought that we could decree June 9, 2000: T short squeeze day. That is a suitable day for swapping stocks to a cash account and inducing a short squeeze.

As Maurice suggests let's see if we can use the power of the Internet to teach the Wall Street shorts? Who is and who isn't BIG-TIME? Do we little guys add up to a big-guy? Does communication give synergistic power?

We shall need a few weeks to organize our forces and also to be fair we give the shorts a couple of weeks to get their act together. Let them get out of their short positions to avoid the mother of all short squeezes..

So, I hereby declare June 9 to be T-Day.

Like Maurice says : it's a no-lose game. Just hang onto stocks and don't sell on the spike. The worst that could happen is that the share price would go back to where it was! It would be like going for a roller-coaster ride. Fun, but not really useful or dangerous. Not fun for shorts caught short though!!
Just over a couple of weeks to go.
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