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Microcap & Penny Stocks
Streamlogic(STLC)(formerly Micropolis-MLIS)
An SI Board Since April 1996
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114 1 0
Emcee:  Bobby Yellin Type:  Unmoderated
OPTION activity says buy.look at chart and volume..anybody know about their technology..and competitors.they
have been issuing a lot of press releases
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114 Bingo, Seen you on the other thread . . . Keep checking there. DaleDale Geffrey-6/18/1997
113 Steven, Check the other thread (StreamLogic - This stock is going to fly). ItDale Geffrey-6/18/1997
112 To all: Anybody any idea what is going on? Up to now I lost a lot of money. HowBingo Boy-6/17/1997
111 Do you know what is recent quarter result ? I can not find it. StevenSTEVEN LIU-6/9/1997
110 Everybody's on the other thread: Streamlogic, this stock is gonna fly. FindGSH-5/15/1997
109 Boy, this thread is dead. What happened to Bruce Cullen and why were all his enshahn-5/15/1997
108 To Bobby Y.: Sorry, got a new browser. Last message should be: I see you Bingo Boy-3/17/1997
107 Hi Bobby, your comment on STLC was very much appreciated, as Ipost in many of tBingo Boy-3/14/1997
106 L.A. Convention Center March 12-14. If you check there web site under news youGSH-3/4/1997
105 Where is Internet World held at???? thankssteve walsh-3/4/1997
104 Anybody going to Internet World next week? Check out booth 6644 for PageStor, GSH-3/4/1997
103 right now most of the small caps are not doing will be interesting tBobby Yellin-3/4/1997
102 Please post in this group! I am confident, that when new products are out, we mBingo Boy-3/4/1997
101 Year end numbers come out early May. Q3 numbers come out early Feb. I like the GSH-12/27/1996
100 I saw alot of volume earlier this week........any idea what date their year ensteve walsh-12/27/1996
99 thanks for the compliment...I think the risk reward is here..I got into the stoBobby Yellin-12/27/1996
98 Bobby, Everywhere I turn I find Bobby Yellin. It usually means there is somethDavid R. Schaller-12/27/1996
97 From a stockholder POV, a simple majority is all that is required. In order toJay Fisk-10/30/1996
96 I believe the debt conversion will go through-and once the cloud over it regardJerry Ciotola-10/29/1996
95 Is there any risk that the STLC stock holders won't approve the deal? I donJean Luc-10/29/1996
94 Deadline nears for proxy returns - Nov 1st - Your vote is important !Jay Fisk-10/29/1996
93 Check the filings, Larry Smart, CEO bought 20,000 at 2 1/4 Aug. 9. The time frGSH-10/29/1996
92 Insiders are buying...look at their looks like someone bought 20,steve walsh-10/24/1996
91 There are two steps before $5. First they have to get the stock exchange througJean Luc-10/24/1996
90 I sure hope so!!! I own way to much of this stock over $5. I'm holding onsteve walsh-10/24/1996
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