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Technology Stocks
APA OPTICS(APAT)-fiberoptic upstar
An SI Board Since February 2000
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34 4 0
Emcee:  Andy Yamaguchi Type:  Unmoderated
This company is an up star for DWDM component for fiberoptic networking. They just announced 50 Ghz DWDM product. The 50 GHZ one is the most advanced DWDM today. EVEN ETEK and JDSU are having difficulities to make them. It up almost 8 today at 28 5/8. It is still cheaper comparing other fiberoptic component companies.
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34Jay, I don`t know about it rising from the dead. I looks like every spike is beiSaulamanca-10/20/2000
33well, this is a dead thread! APAT seems to be rising from the dead. Anybody gameJay Brandes-10/20/2000
32APA Optics Ships What is Believed to be First High-Channel, Low Insertion Loss DSaulamanca-8/9/2000
31 Shouldn't they be in their quiet period if earnings are next week?Johnny Canuck-6/23/2000
30 Talked to 2 people at company today, both said biz is fantastice...eps due nextgeotrader-6/23/2000
29 APA Optics, Inc. Raises Approximately $5 Million Through Private Financing; REAmericanVoter-3/17/2000
28 no news on APAT...! are we waiting for some announcement or something...? eomAmericanVoter-3/17/2000
27 Thanks for the list of stocks. Going to look into them. It seems the small capst2-2/29/2000
26 SPLI APAT POCI NOIZ SCKT nice day. Wireless and fiber optic component makers ak_maxwell-2/29/2000
25 Had a nice pop today. Got used to seeing it around 40 recently. Fibre optic annt2-2/28/2000
24 Fiberoptic conf. is coming in next month. There are few market research sessionAndy Yamaguchi-2/22/2000
23 Andy, I like APAT, but am unable to understand it's price performance... wiAmericanVoter-2/22/2000
22 Jack, to answer your question why AVNX has so many backup from big name like mcAndy Yamaguchi-2/22/2000
21 hello Andy. i admire your posts. i think your opinions are very well grounded ijack bittner-2/21/2000
20 SI: StockTalk: Communications: APA OPTICS(APAT)-fiberoptic upstar Reply to Postlofalutin-2/18/2000
19 I am not currently holding FIBR - maybe Andy has some thoughts here. I have solsteve mamus-2/15/2000
18 Add FIBR?Im-patient-2/15/2000
17 The short position for APAT as of 1/00 is less than 30,000 shares (see below) Bhag Karamchandani-2/10/2000
16 Would this company be a good takeover target. Considering its low market cap ant2-2/9/2000
15 Andy, good to see you started thread for APAT. It was a hidden gem! Good lucJon Khymn-2/7/2000
14 Check out Red Herring this month. More information then I have read in a singlesteve mamus-2/7/2000
13 Glad this thread started. Steve Mamussteve mamus-2/7/2000
12 Reuters had an afternoon article on APAT. The company president seemed surprisJ. M. Burr-2/7/2000
11 Rhino Ray, I am not a gambling man, but I'd bet on APAT getting bought by oAmericanVoter-2/7/2000
10 Hi Ray, I agree with you about the Company and the superiority of the product. CJ-2/7/2000
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