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Technology Stocks
SCCO - Smith Corona
An SI Board Since August 1999
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145 1 0 SCCO
Emcee:  Brad Type:  Unmoderated
With their new management, and only 3.1 million shares outstanding and annual sales of $47 million, SCCO could be interesting to follow.

- - - - - COMPANY - - - - -
Smith Corona Corporation
842 Bennie Road
Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: (607) 753-6011
Fax: (607) 753-8769

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145 Dexx, Sorry for your loss, I did not commit much to SCCO, I hope you are rightMike Hermann-5/24/2000
144 I don't know. The press release didn't say anything about it that I coudexx-5/24/2000
143 Dexx, It sure is, I guess the stockholders won't get anything? regards, Mike Hermann-5/24/2000
142 It's a sad day when a 114-year-old company closes its doors.dexx-5/24/2000
141 From CNBC Now, the funeral: Smith Corona, which has been struggling in recent Mike Hermann-5/23/2000
140 Sorry, but I have been unable to find out anything substantive relating to thisdexx-2/28/2000
139 SCCO on FIRE Know anything dexx ?Nimbus-2/28/2000
138 I'm hopeful too. I think the recent troubles will be rectified by some gooNimbus-2/17/2000
137 Smith Corona (Nasdaq: SCCO) products just hit Office Depot shelves! I just bougdexx-2/17/2000
136 I don't know why the activity occurred either. Very strange. I hope today wdexx-2/15/2000
135 Yes, I had a buy order in yesterday at 15/16 that just sat there and expired rNimbus-2/15/2000
134 ATTENTION ALL !!! Is anyone watching the after market activity on Smith Corona dexx-2/14/2000
132 Probably on the said "shipping."dexx-2/10/2000
131 Just checked. Not in at my local Office Depot. Maybe on the way? JDIEarnedIt-2/10/2000
130 Smith Corona Update! (Nasdaq: SCCO) SCCO says new calculator line is now in Ofdexx-2/10/2000
129 Yep...big ouch. Kind of funny how this news comes right after a huge, very posbruiser-1/18/2000
128 OUCH! Tuesday January 18, 3:10 am Eastern Time Smith Corona sees shortfall, cBayclipper-1/18/2000
127 I really don't think we can go wrong here..stock has been trading flat for bruiser-1/15/2000
126 I especially like the part of the article that talks about the new CEO, BermingKatie Kommando-1/15/2000
125 Thanks bruiser......well, I'm in from last week Dec. at 1 1/2 average and wKatelew-1/14/2000
124 Sure...basically, the meat of the article touches on the fact that the 'olebruiser-1/14/2000
123 Hi Katie.....I agree!! In 20 yrs. of market trading, I've never seen a Co.Katelew-1/14/2000
122 Hi Bruiser.....can you give some of details of WSJ article. In SCCO, but not aKatelew-1/14/2000
121 TMRENT....great article on page B1 of the WSJ regarding SCCO today. bruiser-1/14/2000
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