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Technology Stocks
CMGI, eBAY, AMZN, AOL - When will the pain end?
An SI Board Since June 1999
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
47 3 0 EBAY
Emcee:  gizelle otero Type:  Unmoderated
This thread's subject is the recent "bear market" in shares of internet companies like CMGI, eBAY, AMZN, AOL, and YHOO.

All of these stocks are down from 30 to 50%. Is there no end in sight?

Holy margin call, Batman! - These are supposed to be the stalwarts of the new internet economy. The top line for most of these companies is great, with growth of 100% commonplace, but the stocks are getting hammered!

What's up? When will the pain end? Comments, please!
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47they started back uphdl-1/18/2006
46 Duke, I figured "Janet" was artistic license, but I'm not sure &Road Walker-4/24/2000
45 Right back atcha, John: PS. I was paraphrasing, you know, &quThe Duke of URL©-4/24/2000
44 Duke, Sometimes things just pop into your head... thank God you got it! LOL, Road Walker-4/24/2000
43 Looks like his stopped clock's been fixed, and de bulls been getting their RocketMan-4/24/2000
42 "Say, wait a minute, Chester, you know Janet's the only one, who sent The Duke of URL©-4/24/2000
41 "Thats just old Luc and Luc's waitin' for the judgement day"Road Walker-4/24/2000
40 Yeah, he's like a stopped clock :-)RocketMan-4/12/2000
39 I was just talking to my friend who several years ago suggested I buy QCOM. I tBMASS5306-12/5/1999
38 I think the pain is over.... AOL KICKS BUTT !!!!!!!!!!!!! jajajajajajajaja JJimbo Cobb-11/4/1999
37 What is the pain? These guys had moved up 100-1500% during the past year and td_trader_99-7/22/1999
36 <i>"I personally believe that the majority of these stocks will realpaulmcg0-6/23/1999
35 You underestimate Luc, he calls for a crash every hour ... BGR-6/23/1999
34 <i>"Can I trust you on that Richard?"</i> ROFL. If you&RJL-6/23/1999
33 Can I trust you on that Richard? BGR-6/23/1999
32 Give it time BGR...within a week or so, the 'pain' will start again. :)RJL-6/23/1999
31 Wow, this thread sure had a short life span. <VBG> BGR-6/23/1999
30 I'm really starting to think that CMGI could be the absolute net stock disaMichael Young-6/16/1999
29 Paul - I'm not holding heavy in net stocks right now, in fact I'm shorWebfoot-6/15/1999
28 The scary part is that a lot of these stocks are still way UP for the year. SuMichael Young-6/15/1999
27 One trap that I think a lot of people will fall into is the bogus belief about paulmcg0-6/15/1999
26 MBA, BS, BBB etc required, but even at that, there's a long waiting list. Tben.-6/15/1999
25 is there any opening at your burger joint ??? can I get a job for 4.99 an hour Bald Man from Mars-6/15/1999
24 Considering the elongated front end, you can hide a whole lot under the hood anben.-6/15/1999
23 Better and safer in what respect ... can it outrun the margin dude ... Bald Man from Mars-6/15/1999
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