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Technology Stocks
Day Trading Hardware?? HELP!!!
An SI Board Since May 1999
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Emcee:  CooperTech Type:  Unmoderated
OK! My broker is usless. I've made more money myself. So I am buying my own Day-Trading Computer. I want the BEST!!! Can people give me advice on what I need? I was thinking about getting 2 computers. 1 for trading, and one for charts (with the dual monitors). Does the speed of the computer matter? (400 vs 550 pentium?) Do I need tons of extra Ram?? DSL or Cable modem?? (I don't ever want to get bumped off line!!) Which charting software is the best? PC QUOTE? DTNIQ? E-signal? Which has the best Real-time, Nasdaq Level II ?? What about Tech Analysis? Metastock? Omega Research? Is there one that's better? What are some of your favorite On-line trading brokers? Has anyone ever used AB Watley?? PLEASE PEOPLE TELL MY SOME OF YOUR PC SOLUTIONS FOR DAY TRADING!!! Thank you so much!!
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