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Technology Stocks
Boeing keeps setting new highs! When will it split?
An SI Board Since March 1996
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3733 95 0 BA
Emcee:  Marvin L.Covey Type:  Unmoderated
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3638Well here's one for you right out of the movie 'Airplane' when the bSelectric II-3/17/2024
3637[graphic] TomThomas M.23/17/2024
3636Well here's one for you right out of the movie 'Airplane' when the bJohn Koligman-3/16/2024
3635The media suddenly is hyper vigilant about every commercial airline anomaly, andSelectric II-3/16/2024
3634United flight from SFO missing external panel after landing in Oregon The incidJohn Koligman-3/15/2024
3633Boeing & AerospaceBusinessMarketsNationNation & WorldRetailWorldPilot-seEric-3/15/2024
3632Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers It remains thThomas M.-3/15/2024
3631Bit of a revisonist history there. MacD was the struggling company. Boeing bougJeff Vayda-3/15/2024
3630Looks and sounds frightening. Yet, look at the admirable safety record. Every Selectric II-3/14/2024
3629In 2014 an Al Jazeera reporter visited a Boeing 787 plant in South Carolina, andThomas M.-3/14/2024
3628It's been since 1997 that Boeing was poisoned by the MacDac merger that brouJeff Hayden-3/14/2024
3627So the CEO they hired is an 'accountant'..... "Boeing hired CalhouJohn Koligman13/14/2024
3626As with most 'incidences' you need multiple failures. Anyone of the escJeff Vayda-3/13/2024
3625Exactly what I was thinking! In addition, I'm no aviation expert, and I'John Koligman-3/12/2024
3624Hmmm! Lobbying isn't going to increase the customer count for airlines that Jeff Hayden-3/12/2024
3623They are moving their headquarters again, but from Chicago to the suburbs of WasJohn Koligman-3/12/2024
3622Seems like Boeing needs to bring back some of their best retired engineers to ruJeff Hayden-3/12/2024
3621F.A.A. Audit of Boeing’s 737 Max Production Found Dozens of Issues The company fJohn Koligman-3/12/2024
3620Southwest is getting screwed here. NOT a good idea to be totally dependent on oJohn Koligman-3/12/2024
3619U.S. Is Said to Open Criminal Inquiry Into Boeing The investigation is tied to aJohn Koligman-3/9/2024
3618A United Airlines Boeing plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Texas Thomas M.-3/7/2024
3617The FAA has identified more safety issues on Boeing’s 737 Max and 787 DreamlinerJohn Koligman-3/2/2024
3616a bunch of sodbusters.. no way !! Boeing in talks to buy beleaguered supplier Sroto-3/1/2024
3615FAA gives Boeing 90 days to come up with quality control plan after 737 Max acciJohn Koligman-2/28/2024
3614 Airbus Works on Next Generation Jets With Boeing Stuck in Crisis archive.proto-2/15/2024
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