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Technology Stocks (JWEB)----IPO
An SI Board Since May 1999
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510 8 0 JWEB
Emcee:  Manx Type:  Unmoderated
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485 I don't think the recent biz plan was intentional. They simply have no choiBen Wa-1/13/2000
484 I usually use my shins to traverse the logs...Pluvia-1/12/2000
483 Are you one of those die hard mountain bikers who traverses fallen logs using tPuck-1/12/2000
482 Great post - 32 reasons NEVER to own JWEB IMO...Pluvia-1/12/2000
481 JWEB is a bad idea, a bad business plan and run by IMO an idiot. Test the intePluvia-1/12/2000
480 you talkin' to me hill-billy boy?? you talkin' to me hill-billy boy?? yPete Mason-1/12/2000
479 Just a hunch, I'm afraid. I guess I've jumped on the internet bandwagoMody-1/12/2000
478 From JWEB's own 10Q: ragingbull.comjjs_ynot-1/12/2000
477 Hmmm... Imagine the hillbilly drooling over some poor receptionist with that tPluvia-1/12/2000
476 Can you tell me why you think JWEB is a buy. Just curious.... Kinda like passiPluvia-1/12/2000
475 It cracks me up just how absolutely stooopid these business plans are. I thinkPluvia-1/11/2000
474 C'mon now, a lot of money can be made selling advertising on something thatBen Wa-1/11/2000
473 Spend the last 3 hours to lower my JWEB price, from 49, to 46, then 43. No oneallen menglin chen-1/11/2000
472 Any "longs" follow this thread? Shorts need not respond.Mody-1/11/2000
471 Agree, A gift from the heavens. Do you know anything about this? ragingbuljjs_ynot-1/11/2000
470 JWEB SHOULD BE SOLD WITH BOTH FISTS ~ Absurd, impossible to execute business pPluvia-1/11/2000
469 Yep, and it is going to double the float. jjs_ynot-1/9/2000
468 So they're actually gonna get it done?Sir Auric Goldfinger-1/9/2000
467 It looks like one last attempt to hype the stock to unload any secondary offerijjs_ynot-1/8/2000
466 $103 mil for 3.3 mil shares. ~31 after the underwriter fees. JWEB would be prallen menglin chen-1/8/2000
465 yup. Except volume is drying up, so be careful. Undertakers will have a tough tSir Auric Goldfinger-1/6/2000
464 ATHM is going for the jugular: Lookout, the big boys are on thejjs_ynot-1/6/2000
463 So true. This pig turns into a teenager very soon.Sir Auric Goldfinger-1/4/2000
462 Be careful. and are the same people running the ScamYouSoftechie-1/1/2000
461 target 160 - CMGI investment rumor. Hot Buy. buyhigh.orgBill Hernandez-12/31/1999
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