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Technology Stocks (JWEB)----IPO
An SI Board Since May 1999
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510 8 0 JWEB
Emcee:  Manx Type:  Unmoderated
Juno Online Services (ISP) offers: e-mail (6.6 million accounts), enhanced e-mail (76,000 subscribers), and Web access (115,000 subscribers). Juno offers local dial-up access through more than 1,600 POPs. David Shaw (Chairman) owns about 60% of the company. JWEB will probably have completed its IPO by May 24-26. Is this another, say,......(!) in making or just a hot IPO?
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510Supercomputers: From Clunker to Cancer Fighter By Lou Hirsh and Bob Francis, wwMs. Baby Boomer-6/14/2001
509NetZero and Juno Announce Strategic Merger Companies Combine To Become Nation&#Ms. Baby Boomer-6/7/2001
508FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Juno Online Services, Inc.; Analysis To Aid Public CoMs. Baby Boomer-5/22/2001
507<Juno also has a deal with COMCAST...> PS: Comcast (CMCSK) 144 sales in TMs. Baby Boomer-5/7/2001
506Since AOL/TW news...volume has increased significantly... Juno also has a deal wMs. Baby Boomer-5/2/2001
505I'm trying to decide whether I should take my profits and more im a survivor-5/2/2001
504Green's a nice color...TA on JWEB been strong....:)Ms. Baby Boomer-5/2/2001
503<<Thomson indicates institutions/mutual funds last few days, big blocks thim a survivor-5/2/2001
502Might be tax-related, in relation to total holdings... Thomson indicates instituMs. Baby Boomer-5/2/2001
501Why all the selling with the news and future looking so bright?? KGim a survivor-4/28/2001
500New insider trade data for JWEB - <i>First Call</i> Baby Boomer-4/28/2001
499Juno to hook up with AOL By Erich Luening Staff Writer, CNET April 26Ms. Baby Boomer-4/27/2001
498yhoo...but you still need an isp connectionim a survivor-3/1/2001
497Anyone know where you can get free Email Access? Juno used to do Free Email incAJ Berger-3/1/2001
496Anybody buying JWEB in here........Looks like a deal with AOL/TW is near. At thiim a survivor-11/15/2000
495Freei Files for Bankruptcy Friday October 6, 8:20 pm Eastern Time TheStandard.cDuke-N-Duke-10/11/2000
494Hall of Shame Time, Congratulations PaineWebber <I>12/20/1999 14:13 JunoDuke-N-Duke-9/30/2000
493Thursday September 21, 8:01 am Eastern Time Press Release Juno and Metricom ExpaFuzzy-9/21/2000
492Juno's Broadband Service Now Available in 63 Markets Juno Express DSL ExpandFuzzy-9/12/2000
491The management has not forgotten your call in Dec/Jan. They gave you just 2 minuRajiv-8/2/2000
490 <i> Pluvia sure nailed that JWEB target. $30's within 10 days. not baPluvia-1/26/2000
489 Pluvia sure nailed that JWEB target. $30's within 10 days. not bad.SpongeBrain-1/23/2000
488 I will check it out. You 'da man!Ben Wa-1/14/2000
487 Hold The Mayo: A friend of mine who lives in northern Virginia, just got a cabDave-1/14/2000
486 <i> I don't think the recent biz plan was intentional. They simply haPluvia-1/13/2000
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