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Diamondex: Winspear Restructured Exploration Offshoot
An SI Board Since May 1999
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1283 28 0
Emcee:  Paul Bilecki Type:  Unmoderated
Diamondex: I am expecting big things from this stock when it starts trading. Hilltop, Carot, King, Rocher, Cache NWT Diamond Exploration properties could be just what the doctor ordered.

Just wanted to be the first to post as I look forward to receiving my grata share re winspear restructure.

The drunken Bilekci, always ahead of the game, just in the nick of time. Drunks have a bad reputation don't they, well this guy's about to turn that image upside down.

I am recommending this stock as a clear buy!!!! Its not trading so the securities guys can't touch me yet, as it does not exist. Ha, goodluck all and remember to take profits along the way....
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
1283To the lab, lets see what the drill bit has to sayPaul Bilecki-5/2/2009
1282Searching for diamonds and we stumbled across??????? Perky Perky...lets see thiPaul Bilecki-4/15/2009
1281Yea baby, we are drilling James bay for trophy's!!Paul Bilecki-3/12/2009
12804 cents, down but not out!! Just bought 60K to average down. Baffin Island DiamPaul Bilecki-12/14/2008
1279Is this our year for DSP...after a long run of disappointment, with a lack of maPaul Bilecki-1/3/2008
1278Alberta JV News with Shore does not like it. I like it!!!Paul Bilecki-4/27/2007 has been a ticky no play....I have my ticket. Waiting for tPaul Bilecki-1/23/2007
1276Up again yesterday, climbing back from depths of out for excellePaul Bilecki-12/1/2006
1275DSP up six cents, on late afternoon volume surge!!! Heads UP everybody...maybe tPaul Bilecki-11/29/2006
1274Thanks Frank, Nice to see some old familiar handles posting on SI. What otheThe Fix-11/27/2006
1273Hello Fix, it's been a long time since you last checked in. I to wonder if DLetmebe Frank-11/26/2006
1272This has to be the bottom. The Fix is in! fIXERThe Fix-11/26/2006
1271here we go boyz and girlz...Paul Bilecki-9/10/2006
1270Update: Consolidation in the Industry happenning.... We are due. This is the yeaPaul Bilecki-8/9/2006
1268Diamond thread participants have consolidated over here: Subject 53132Letmebe Frank-2/27/2006
1267Is there another thread going somewhere for DSP or has all the talk dried up? SeDiamond in the Ruff-2/25/2006
1266Smoked, major discovery???Paul Bilecki-12/17/2005
1265HEADS UP!!!!! WE ARE OVER DUE!~!!Paul Bilecki-9/16/2005
1264he already has on the king property...deep mine in the making in my opinion withPaul Bilecki-5/23/2005
1263Nice too see a little action on dsp of late. Turner needs too show us some kim&#Rocket Red-5/10/2005
1262Diamondex to Acquire Brodeur Project News Release - Monday, May 09, 2005 =======Paul Bilecki-5/10/2005
1261DSP AND RIO TINTO....ANOTHER NEW DEAL...we are going to Baffin Island.....for a Paul Bilecki-5/10/2005
1260This really IS quite bizarre. Maybe someone should ask Brian Mulroney LOL! WZeddie88-5/2/2005
1259Financing News is not what we expected. Did dsp stumble across some Gold or doesPaul Bilecki-5/2/2005
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