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Technology Stocks
EISQ: Electronic Identification, Inc.
An SI Board Since May 1999
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213 5 0
Emcee:  Impeccable Type:  Unmoderated
Electronic Identification Inc. (EI2), a Nevada corporation, has acquired RFID
Systems Corp. (OTC BB:RFID). RFID Systems
Corp. (OTC BB: RFID) announces that as part of its acquisition by and
merger into Electronic Identification, Inc. ("EI(2)"), EI(2) will begin trading
on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, Monday, May 3, 1999, under the
symbol "EISQ".

RFID Systems, a Delaware corporation, develops and installs proprietary
identification and authentication systems. RFID Systems Corp. will cease to
exist as a result of the acquisition.

The acquisition of RFID Systems Corp. by EI2 will focus the new team on
various projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which utilize the company's
proprietary EPICS (Electronic Personnel Identification and Control System)

EI2 has formed a partnership agreement with a multinational company as its
main systems integrator and hardware supplier for the Saudi projects. The
agreements are global in scale and involve the rollout of the proprietary
solution, EPICS, which will be used in several applications in the Middle
East and specifically in Saudi Arabia.

EPICS combines radio frequency and biometric imaging technologies to
digitally encode fingerprints, photographs and other personal details onto a
microchip using compression technology.

Forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the "safe
harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform act of 1995.
Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks
and uncertainties including, without limitation, continued acceptance of the
company's products, competition, new products and technological changes,
intellectual property rights and other risks.

CONTACT: John Di Cicco, 604/684-8002
604-689-2669 (fax)
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
213BIG DEAL! (I belive) <i>Advanced Biometrics, Inc. and Electronic IdentifiLeroyt-2/7/2002
212EISQ is going up. Anyone know why? Someone might be ready to buy their technoloLeroyt-2/4/2002
211 For those that don't follow RB, here is a post from one of the <i>regTheo-6/15/2000
210 EISQ is certainly traveling in good company. I, too, am hoping for more reassurChisy-6/15/2000
209 Hi Chisy! Yep, still holding on...<gggg> Taking longer than I (and othersTheo-6/14/2000
208 Hi Theo. Still hanging in here? Here's some news. V ELECTRONIC IDENTIFICChisy-6/13/2000
207 He also stated that he gave EISQ a "plug" in <i>Chi-town</i&Theo-5/14/2000
206 He hasn't had much to say about it, except that it is still in his portfoliChisy-5/13/2000
205 The "E" was actually cleared (although not removed by the ticker repoTheo-5/13/2000
204 IMO news is on the horizon,the move yesterday was not because of SEC filings.ChGary Lutz-5/13/2000
203 Sorry, I misread your post. I and possibly many others were not aware of the nChisy-5/12/2000
202 I meant: <i>The "E" was dropped yesterday but EISQ still went dLeroyt-5/12/2000
201 What do you mean it went down? It is up 75% today. Yesterday it just simply cChisy-5/12/2000
200 The "E" was dropped yesterday but EISQ still went down. I have to woLeroyt-5/12/2000
199 Congratulations for sticking it out. We are up 75% today. EISQ has complied wChisy-5/12/2000
198 Theo,im afraid to look,naw I have been out for so long,goodluck to those that sGary Lutz-3/30/2000
197 Well chisy, The <i>"big"</b> news is the anticipated coTheo-3/28/2000
196 Theo, I have only a token amount invested here. I have been lurking hoping to Chisy-3/28/2000
195 This is the PR everyone was expecting since late last week...but, it's not Theo-3/28/2000
194 Gary, This is probably the PR you were expecting. Comments? Electronic IdentiChisy-3/28/2000
193 Gary, Don't let the harrassment get to you. I appreciate your post. PR comiLeroyt-3/27/2000
192 Sorry Iam not privy to inside informationGary Lutz-3/25/2000
191 Gary......Great post! Thanks for the incredible insight and be sure to let us kB.A.DEY-3/24/2000
190 Should see a press release Tuesday,looking for a price mid 5.00 range,depends oGary Lutz-3/24/2000
189 Looks like the AM will get us above 4 again. Thoughts on the current ceiling? John Anderfuren-3/23/2000
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