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Technology Stocks
SLNN, Development partner with ORCL/JAVA
An SI Board Since April 1999
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Emcee:  mark fuller Type:  Unmoderated
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25 Thanks for the info, I got the stock through the SHAL distribution as well.....MKTsavvy-12/10/1999
24 MKT, The symbol SLNNE for Solutionnet International no longer exists. If you Toby Zidle-12/7/1999
23 I'm confused as well, last quote on slnn = 2, last quote on SLNNE = 4.5, hoMKTsavvy-12/7/1999
22 Thanks for the info, jjs. I managed to find one website with historical quote Toby Zidle-12/6/1999
21 I think I can help you with this one....SLNN got the "E" added to it,jjs64-12/6/1999
20 Does anyone know what has happened to Solutionnet Int'l? Sometime in OctobToby Zidle-12/5/1999
19 This company has excellent management, and increasing revenues...I am long.....MKTsavvy-7/8/1999
18 They should deport Garrett Krause back to Canada; Sara Hallitex CEO Had 7-YearStockDung-6/22/1999
17 Sorry I'm late to the party JJ Bear Down initiates coverage with a strong Bear Down-6/15/1999
16 Toby; I am referring to his Truthseeker Report and his reply to Garrett KRABmajjs64-6/2/1999
15 There are lots of postings from Truthseeker on the SHAL thread. Can you post aToby Zidle-6/2/1999
14 Toby; Sad to say, but my belief is that you got "restricted stock" ijjs64-6/2/1999
13 Perhaps someone can comment on this problem: I got my SLNN shares via the spinToby Zidle-6/2/1999
12 Real-time quote at 15:17 (EDT) is $14 5/8, with volume of only 100 shares. If Toby Zidle-5/10/1999
11 Francois, Garrett has promised additional financial information in the near farchitect*-5/2/1999
10 John, thanks. Do we have any confirmed (even unaudited) figures for 1998 yet? FFrancois Goelo-5/2/1999
9 Clarification of my last post, The $6 million is *revenues*, the news releasarchitect*-5/2/1999
8 Francois, in the middle is Sara's version 1998 profits $6 million on 1architect*-5/2/1999
7 Mark, What's SLNN net profit for 1998, if any? FG Francois Goelo-4/22/1999
6 The news came out a day late, 4/20 .... Check it out.... vestor-4/21/1999
5 Any news still forthcoming today?? MMJC-4/19/1999
4 Boy are you guys going to get some really big good news on Mon...... vestor-4/16/1999
3 Dave: I took this information off the SHAL webb site under the SLNN fact sheetmark fuller-4/7/1999
2 Unlike other internet plays, SLNN had $6,000,000 in 1998 revenues and is projecDave Sullivan-4/7/1999
1 SLNN had a great IPO day today. Opened at $13.00 and closed at $24.50 on heavymark fuller-4/6/1999
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