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NETE The Famous SI Pig SQUEEKBOX is seldon wrong
An SI Board Since March 1999
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Emcee:  StockDung Type:  Unmoderated
The Famous SI Pig SQUEEKBOX is seldom wrong about Crappy Stocks.
The pig says " Dont be a pig in a poke"

|\ NETE /| NETEGRITY INC Stock Thread
\ ) / new 1999 company mascot
/ \ , - - - - - 6
( . . ) \
( ___ ) \ NETE will not be on SQUAWKBOX
=\ (o o) / \ Been a bad year for the hypsters
( ~~~ _ _ _ _ .,/ / Bulls, Bears and now PIGS
\ \ \ ( ( \ party was over today
\ / \ / \ \ /
vv vv v vv Floyd

The hypsters lied today and said NETEGRITY INC was going to be on CNBC on 3/19/99. This thread will be watched by the Famous SI PIG
and anyone telling lies about NETE should be reported to Dont be a Pig in a poke, nobody wants to be a pig in a poke.

pig in a poke

First appeared 1562

: something offered in such a way as to obscure its real nature or worth <unwilling to buy a pig in a poke>

SI pig resume; short EGHT, USAT, CTRN, SCRM, NAVR, EFAX,
SATH, CYOE, SMEK, ECTS, too name a few
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
32 Where are you now, Piggy?jas cooper-4/14/1999
31Subject 26776 check it out 1-DAY-TRADER-3/22/1999
30 skane ... please send me a private msg if you are there :))) 1-DAY-TRADER-3/21/1999
29 Thanks, my friend!!!!!! Whew...that was a close one.......Am VERY Haaaaappppyymajormember-3/21/1999
28 SKAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE :)) .. I just got home ... I am sooo happy for you I was re1-DAY-TRADER-3/20/1999
27 Mondavi Brothers visited NETE Friday to crush it like a grape for its new "Sammy Adams-3/20/1999
26 Covered short sell- too many short sells going on to suit me you rookies are goSpinCity1-3/20/1999
25 Got out at $16 for +1 1/2 pts :--)) Only mistake was not shorting it on the wamajormember-3/20/1999
24 LOL.. anything is possible with this FAT PIG .. xcept going back up ...forget i1-DAY-TRADER-3/19/1999
23 Good move Tom .. I am really happy for you :)) Good Luck my friend :) 1-DAY-TRADER-3/19/1999
22 Nice play Bean HRAKA-3/19/1999
21 I imagine we'll see some 144's soon. Hraka HRAKA-3/19/1999
20 I sold the open at 16 3/4. Agree that a 50 - 75% retracement is (was) in orderGinko-3/19/1999
19 NETE = penny stock ... how could it get so high so quick ?? Its the typical pum1-DAY-TRADER-3/19/1999
18 Still short as well. The 52 week high before Thursday was $9. HRAKA-3/19/1999
17 Hyped NETE = www1.bluemountain.comSammy Adams-3/19/1999
16 Dear Bean ... I swear to God, I was sincere in my post. I hope you got out in 1-DAY-TRADER-3/19/1999
15 Oh really, did they buy at 17 and sell at 12? Sammy Adams-3/19/1999
14 That's all I needed after buying at yesterday's close and selling the oGinko-3/19/1999
13 Nete A big suckers open... from 17 downto 13 and change. C.RockyBalboa-3/19/1999
12 Thanks for clarification Master Trader: FYI - Today's institutional buyer Ginko-3/19/1999
11 CNBC appearance was confirmed by Kathy Hoben of NETE at 781-890-1700 yesterday Master Trader-3/19/1999
10 <i><I really do feel sorry for the new NETE new long victims ..</i&Ginko-3/19/1999
9 I really do feel sorry for the new NETE new long victims ... I hate seeing bloo1-DAY-TRADER-3/19/1999
8 FLODYIE!!!!!! LSHISOMM!!! <Laughed so hard I spit on my monitor) Pluvia-3/19/1999
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