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Biotech / Medical
McKesson HBOC (MCK)
An SI Board Since February 1999
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
165 10 0 MCK
Emcee:  Rob Pierce Type:  Unmoderated
McKesson HBOC is the result of the merger of HBO & Co. (a major
computer services firm serving doctors and hospitals) and McKesson
(a drug distributor) to form the largest healthcare services company
in the world.

Both companies have been aggressive growth-by-acquisition types,
and that pattern does not look like it will abate anytime soon.

It's my hope that those who followed HBO & Co. when it was independent
will continue to contribute their wisdom on this thread.

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165Still in and still hoping!Paul Senior-11/21/2019
164McKesson (MCK +0.78%) was downgraded to 'Neutral' from 'Overweight&#more100-1/6/2017
163Looks like a 5 bagger since the last post here. I wasn't in then; I am nowPaul Senior-10/12/2016
162The Long Road Back McKesson has more than recovered from an illPaul Lee-3/16/2002
161MCK is the largest distributor of CIPRO !! Hello... Doesn't anybody know thbig guy-10/18/2001
160McKesson: Co. 'Well-Positioned' On Generic Drugs Dow Jones Newswires Paul Lee-1/23/2001
159TWST: Could you give our readers an overview of iMcKessPaul Lee-1/11/2001
158Looks like we are all finally right on this one. I predict a run toward 50. GetKat-9/26/2000
157 LEt me get out my psychic hat..... From the chart, I'd guess soon. But I&epicure-4/19/2000
156 Any thoughts regarding when, if ever, this stock will increase about the 20 +/-Phil Placier-4/19/2000
155 Nice to know you are out there. I was lonely.epicure-3/28/2000
154 Long MCK-I'm here. I noticed the move and the volume. I'm long MCK sincdogemup-3/28/2000
153 up on 4x volume and nobody comments? WOW- did everyone sell? Am I all alone?epicure-3/28/2000
152 Somebody has faith in MCK February 16, 2000 07:02 PM WASHINGTON, Feb 16 (ReutMort-2/22/2000
151 Some MCK headlines this morning (Edit adds the article): 07:52 [MCK] MCKESSONWally Mastroly-2/1/2000
150 <b>McKessonHBOC Completes Acquisition of Prospective Health, Inc., LeadinMort-1/31/2000
149 OOOH- I wasn't expecting one, but I'll be mighty happy if we get one.epicure-1/11/2000
148 Anyone else expecting a short squeeze here? The last report showed nearly 12MMJ L Segal-1/11/2000
147 Seems like a good move so far.epicure-1/11/2000
146 McKesson HBOC, Inc., Signs Definitive Agreement to Sell Its Water Products BusiPaul Lee-1/11/2000
145 No- and that's really discouraging. I guess everyone saw this at Yahoo: DruRambi-12/15/1999
144 NO reaction by the market yet????Henk Wondergem-12/15/1999
143 Some good news.....
142 This guy seems to be on something. MCK sales has grown at > 30% rate over law sun-12/15/1999
141 MCK gets a plug: cbs.marketwatch.comWally Mastroly-12/13/1999
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