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I Love to Fish
An SI Board Since January 1999
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Emcee:  ArtAlley Type:  Unmoderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
1384[youtube video] A whale saved my lifeNeeka12/9/2022
1383Orange County Register -- ‘bizarre’ creature is massive sunfish spotted near LagJon Koplik112/6/2021
1382Bangor Daily News -- 600-pound bluefin tuna will feed hungry Mainers at Belfast Jon Koplik19/24/2021
1381THIS IS JUST WONDERFUL !Jon Koplik19/15/2021
1380[youtube video] I CAUGHT A MONSTER BASS WITH MY DJI DRONE!!! [Viva Frei DJI MavNeeka19/15/2021
1379The Surprising Success Story of Fish Sticks ....................................Jon Koplik15/1/2021
1378[youtube video] Killer whale takes fish.Neeka43/5/2021
1377How marketers convinced America to eat fish sticks [graphic]Snowshoe-9/26/2020
1376I Love to Bird... [youtube video]Snowshoe18/3/2020
1375[youtube video] Powerful Fishing Reel VS 100lb GirlfriendNeeka32/4/2020
1374Video shows bald eagle entangled with octopus as fishermen come to the rescue ..Jon Koplik212/13/2019
1373That is just sad. I remember delivering fresh albacore tuna to the Bumblebee canNeeka211/22/2019
1372WSJ -- Bumble Bee Foods LLC Files for Bankruptcy ...............................Jon Koplik-11/22/2019
1371The Oyster Poachers of Connemara In Ireland, few things are blackSnowshoe110/21/2019
1370I Love to Cephalopod... Cat Steals An Octopus To Eat it Alive youtube.comSnowshoe-10/18/2019
1369NYT -- polystyrene (Styrofoam) decomposes in sunlight much faster than thought .Jon Koplik-10/16/2019
1368Salmon cannon could restore the population in the Upper Columbia [youtube videoNeeka-8/25/2019
1367The Shipwrecked Sailors & the Wandering Cod Captain Pietro QuSnowshoe16/27/2019
1366Epic two and a half hour battle.... 54.8951 Brown Trout......DinoNavarre11/30/2019
1365Duluth News Tribune -- What's on TV? Fish, and lots of 'em ............Jon Koplik11/27/2019
1364Caught a bunch of smallmouth bass the other day, nice ones, but one seemed to haBiotech Jim-11/6/2018
1363incredibly cute mini octopus / Hawaii scientists find tiny octopuses floating onJon Koplik310/25/2018
1362Time mag. / raise flies / feed small fry fish / then feed to aquaculture fish ..Jon Koplik210/8/2018
1361Just returned from a Lake Erie charter trip, not impressed one bit! Being a lifslowmo-6/24/2018
1360Pacific pink salmon found in Norway... Humpy invasion Full story: craigmedred.nSnowshoe26/19/2018
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