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Anthony @ Equity Investigations, Dear Anthony,
An SI Board Since November 1998
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122084 897 0
Emcee:  scion Type:  Moderated
12/05/04 - Anthony Elgindy has requested that moderation of this thread be reassigned to the user known as a@p_moderator and a@p_moderator has requested the same. Since both accounts are currently in good standing and meet the requirements for reassignment of moderator, their request has been approved and made effective.


Original Post
Started By: Anthony@Pacific
Date: 1998-11-30 20:46:00.0


This thread is dedicated to helping investors maximize the profits and minimizing their losses, I deal primarily with overhyped, overvalued, fraudulent, promoted, spammed, or suspect equities.

I will almost always carry a personal position that is consistent with my postings.My positions may be considerable and may change and often times do change without notice..A simple request will always result in the most truthful answer possible. Those who tout and or hype can find other threads to satisfy their needs..

The following link takes you directly to my International Private site:( That others have reconstructed, I addition I expect that the sites will be operational shortly and I will be reporting on Companies once again)

The Following Link Takes you to the Best Free Research reports on Scams and Overvalued Pigs anywhere on the net, I suggest you sign up ASAP to get free E-mail alerts when a report hits.

Good Luck and God Bless.


In an attempt to consolidate how others contact me, I no longer accept Private messages, but you can E-mail me on my profile or simply use:
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
122084Always watching. Here we go: A scam?Cautious_Optimist-January 14
122082Prominent Short Seller Made Millions Off Bait-and-Switch Scheme, U.S. Says FederS. maltophilia-7/29/2024
122081Posts by Francois+Goelo >>> I like the StockcStockDung-3/20/2024
122080From Matt Levine today -- JournalismOne thing that I think about sometimes S. maltophilia111/1/2023
122079From Matt Levine today -- Sorrento & ScilexI suppose we have to talk aboutS. maltophilia-7/27/2023
122078What is a security, anyway? From a Matt Levine email today: RippleStatisticalS. maltophilia-7/14/2023
122077SEC defendant Offill makes his sentencing pitch 2023-07-11 20:45 ET - Street WiStockDung17/12/2023
122076Will he ever stop getting himself into these OFFILL situations.........SEC-ond-chance-7/6/2023
122075JUST OFFILL, Francois Goelo attorney facing 8 years up the river ==============StockDung-7/6/2023
122074Their Crypto Company Collapsed. They Went to Bali. The implosion of Three ArrowS. maltophilia-6/9/2023
122073SEC Obtains Final Judgment Against Investment Adviser Thomas Carter Ronk in MicrStockDung-5/23/2023
122072quite a storyBuckey-5/21/2023
122071The Billion-Dollar Ponzi Scheme That Hooked Warren Buffett and the U.S. TreasuryS. maltophilia25/18/2023
122070Carl Icahn’s company stock falls again after prosecutors seek financial informatGlenn Petersen15/10/2023
122069SEC awards record $279 million to whistleblower PUBLISHED FRI, MAY 5 202311:13 Glenn Petersen-5/5/2023
122068This is quite an Offill situation, LoL.SEC-ond-chance13/16/2023
122067Francois Goelo's old attorney pleads guilty to second stock scam ==========StockDung23/15/2023
122066U.S. charges exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui with $1 bln fraud By JonathGlenn Petersen-3/15/2023
122065Opinion Meet the con man who sold America on ‘fake it till you make it’ FebrCautious_Optimist-2/27/2023
122064The Man Who Moves Markets Carson Block uses covert techniques to uncover fraud S. maltophilia-2/21/2023
122063The Great Gatsby of Gold Took Their Millions—and Vanished yahoo.comnicewatch-2/5/2023
122062Billion $$$ Fight Against Naked Short Selling The incredible story of how John kidl11/28/2023
122061Open AccessPublished: 05 January 2023How pervasive is corporate fraud?Alexander S. maltophilia21/15/2023
122060SEC defendant Isen receives five-year sentence 2023-01-10 20:55 ET - Street WirStockDung-1/11/2023
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