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Lithia Motors Is Rolling~Hop On~LMTR
An SI Board Since September 1998
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Emcee:  upndn Type:  Unmoderated
Lithia Motors is a consoladator of retail car dealers, buying up new car dealers in the western US. Sales are currently rising in excess of 100% and earnings 25-50% every quarter. Will this trend continue? Most likly while the company is small (forward sales approx. $850M) and interest rates-general economy remain favorable. The company is aquiring new outlets at a rather rapid pace, immediately implements it's own methods, which have improved the bottom line of the outlets by as much as double of the preceding owners.
Current price $11 and change. I believe the current downside is very small, having sold off by 40%+ with the general market and is at a forward PE of 10 to the end of '98.
Sept. 22, 1998
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
15 Don't know. I sold it yesterday at 15 5/8. Happy with my 52% profit. Put TWICK-10/22/1998
14 When will earnings come out? Is this move in advance of the + earnings expecteAS Hibbs-10/22/1998
13 Glad I picked up more at 9 3/4 on 10/14 for a tidy profit at 12 3/8. Still holdTWICK-10/19/1998
12 No. I'm long at 10 7/8. Price is holding up ok as far as I'm concerned.TWICK-10/10/1998
11 Have gone to cash. This is still a great company. But for the forseeable futureupndn-10/10/1998
10 From the si RXSD thread, BOCA RATON, Fla., Sept. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Rexall Sunupndn-9/29/1998
9 upndn - Did you read the responses on my analysis ? The folks who gave their fTWICK-9/28/1998
8 Saw your posts on 'Market Gems', took a quick look at RXSD and the estiupndn-9/28/1998
7 I don't want to be too waited in one position. I thought about buying anothTWICK-9/25/1998
6 I couldn't resist, with the slow trade and " low " price I pickedupndn-9/25/1998
5 I sometimes forget to look at the fractions. 10 7/8. 10 and change. You know whTWICK-9/25/1998
4 Good move, I couldn't resist myself and added another 15% to my already larupndn-9/24/1998
3 Great mid to long term hold. Picked some up at 10 and holding. TWICK. TWICK-9/24/1998
2 The sale continues for a short time more. A day or two at most. IMHO The companupndn-9/23/1998
1 At todays closing price of 10 7/8 a person is buying the company at the same prupndn-9/22/1998
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