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Insults Only.....
An SI Board Since September 1998
Posts SubjectMarks Bans
30879 76 6
Emcee:  GROUND ZERO™ Type:  Moderated
THIS THREAD IS INTENDED FOR FUN - - SERIOUS PERSONAL ATTACKS ARE NOT TOLERATED... but I suppose if you had any brains at all, you would already know it...

I think it takes a certain interpersonal skill to insult someone successfully.....

Test your skill here before you share it with the rest of the world.

Posters such as Nit-Wit, Winnie Van Scrotum, Fagnatizer, Capt Quayle, and iwishicouldbenchpress550 need special remedial help... the fact is they're helpless, hopeless, and hapless, but we tolerate them anyhow..... oh, don't forget to post to LosingDayTraderKidd, he's now in prison again for child molesting, he can't be helped... let's also welcome scabbypus, now that he finally learned how to read, (the guy's a moron)..... Oh, and Roberta Miller, the make believe accountant, is juggling his clients' books again, a real gonif if I ever saw one..... I see Dr. Doodoo is out of the drunk tank again, maybe he found the error of his ways (yeah, right)... and it seems Shiity has escaped from the cellar once again..... oh, by the way, we better not ignore Slow Eddiot, he might just cry if we ignore him... just remember, he's not an idiot, he's an Eddiot.....

GZ expert on such things
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
30879He called...... said the last time he saw you was at last years Halloween partyShoot1st-August 22
30878You didn't bow down and worship my perfection this week. Expect a call fromWayners-August 22
30877Yep, I got hairy palms and can't see for shit...... but I can dot your eye Shoot1st-April 11
30876Well that was very interesting and also expected after all these years. ShootieWayners-April 11
30875I hope your wife brings a date to your funeral.Bill-April 11
30874Since i really don't know if you are male, female or neither, I thought IShoot1st1April 11
30873You are so dumb you are giving advice to a dummy.Wayners-April 10
30872Since you waste my time, I have decided to offload your posts to chatgpt and letWayners-April 10
30871Not to come between you and your dog, but that is sick. You should make another Bill-January 29
30870Your face is so disgusting me and my dog both blew chunks. My dogs name is chunWayners-January 29
30869No problems here. I insult you. You whimper and cry to Bill. The end.Wayners212/14/2023
30868You're so dumb, you thought TuPac Shakur was a Jewish holiday!Bill-11/29/2023
30867If I had a dollar every time you said something smart, I'd be broke... GZGROUND ZERO™-11/28/2023
30866If you have a problem with me, then write it down on a piece of paper, then foldGROUND ZERO™-11/28/2023
30865Mirrors can't talk... Lucky for you, they can't laugh either... GZGROUND ZERO™-11/28/2023
30864He's so stupid...... He's on his way to Israel to see if Netanyahu has Shoot1st111/16/2023
30863My response to you is so insulting I had to PM it.Bill-11/16/2023
30862Your momma is so fat she had to be baptized at Sea World.Wayners-11/16/2023
30861You keep getting mixed up between claustrophobia and homophobia. You can't fBill-11/16/2023
30860Actually there is a match for my penis. Your mouth.Wayners-11/16/2023
30858Heard your long absence was due to your sex change surgery. They had trouble finBill-10/29/2023
30857speaking of sucking...... your favorite holiday is just around the corner......Shoot1st-10/29/2023
30856First off I want to immediately explain that my Sexetary (Bills Wife) lost your Wayners-10/29/2023
30855Shudup, nobody will like you, has ever liked you, or currently licks you. The eWayners-10/29/2023
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