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Microcap & Penny Stocks
U.S. Microbics {BUGS} - Environmental Augmentation
An SI Board Since June 1998
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
345 5 0 BUGS
Emcee:  Frank Buck Type:  Unmoderated
The Company U.S. Microbics (ticker symbol: BUGS) has recently posted a profitable quarter. Company stated revenues for the next five years are expected to reach $100 million. Share price is just starting to move upwards. "Letters of Intent" by Fortune 500 Companies are "signed" and awaiting full production delivery of microbial-blend (bugs) from U.S. Microbics newly established California West Coast Fermentation Facility.

This Company has the ability to sell environmental assisting microbial product technology into just about any International business, qovernment, munincipalities, production facilities, agriculture, aqua-culture, oil fields, education, restaurants, golf course... facility. The Board of Advisor Directors read like a Who's Who of International Nobel Laureate prize winners. The technology is proprietary and covered by U.S. and foreign patents and the share float is small. Management seems to know where they are headed... volume is just starting to heat up as... is the share price and they appear to be meeting stated objectives. The microbial blend of "bugs" is being used to increase agricultural production output and diminish herbicides and pesticide use. This technology was also used to clean up the aftermath of the Gulf War oil spills..... The Company expects to reach a minimum $4 price level by September of this year. They are shareholder driven and are an S.E.C. fully reporting company. From their website:

"The Company mission is to profitably apply, develop, train, acquire,
protect, license, and transfer XyclonyX technologies consisting of
patents, knowledge, products, processes and people in the global
environmental, agriculture, and natural resource marketplace.

The Company's objective is to establish itself as a leading provider of environmental technology and products to companies on a worldwide basis by licensing its superior technology, which meets governmental
standards, is environmentally friendly, easy to manufacture and apply
and yields high profit for its licensees.

U.S. Microbics (USMX), [OTCBB: BUGS] is building an environmental
technology conglomerate which could have revenues over $100 Million in
the next five years. Using the proprietary microbial technology, patents and unique culture collection developed over 30 years, acquired through its wholly-owned technology subsidiary, XyclonyX, USMX believes it can build the foundation for the international commercialization of this previously successful technology. USMX is restarting a known valuable technology, using proprietary products and only needs capital, people and product distribution. Unlike other companies who need to develop a product or technology and find a market and customers to sell it to, USMX already has products that have been developed, have sold for millions of dollars, use advanced technology unavailable to other companies, and have a proven world-wide market with applications ranging from oil field cleanup to increased food production in third world countries. With existing Letters of Intent for its products and services, USMX is truly on the verge of releasing and capitalizing on an enormous amount of technology for beneficial use that can touch the lives of every person on earth."

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6965 El Camino Real, Suite 105-279
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345SSWM Subsidiary Receives Authorization for $2 Million of New Contract Awards in ThinkingBig-9/18/2006
344 Seeking employment...go to are looking for someone to heBRSteve-12/20/1999
343 Yes, time does fly. I'll be glad when 99 is over. Merry Christmas, Yours,BRSteve-12/14/1999
342 Hello Steve Sorry to respond so late but I don't appropriate much time to Frank Buck-12/14/1999
341 Hi Frank, and Merry Christmas. I visited the BUGS web site yesterday and was BRSteve-12/8/1999
340 Just visited to see what was going on and was very pleased: 1. BRSteve-12/7/1999
339 Steve, Sorry Steve. In a moment of brilliance, I confused 2 stocks I had bookVivB-12/6/1999
338 Sorry, you have the wrong person. I have never followed USBC. Yours, SteveBRSteve-12/4/1999
337 Steve, Are you still following, USBC? Why do you think the stock headed down VivB-12/4/1999
336 Yes encouraging but slow. Still no word on financing. No one is buying the stoSigmund-10/20/1999
335 Sigmund, hopefully BUGS is turning the corner. today's press release was pBRSteve-10/20/1999
334 <<<< Toward these ends, the Company's blending area is now compSigmund-8/20/1999
333 Yes I am still in ACMI and have a buy order in to buy TIDEL or whatever it is cSigmund-8/1/1999
332 Hi Sigmund, long time no hear from. Last week I emailed BUGS about the releaseBRSteve-7/31/1999
331 somethings up. Sigmund-7/31/1999
330 will do....thanks. Nathan Hansen-6/29/1999
329 He likes to work at night. Call him then.Sigmund-6/29/1999
328 I tried to speak to Bob Brehm today, but he didn't return my call as of 1:3Nathan Hansen-6/28/1999
327 Brehm used to be open but has gotten closed. I don't blame him. There have Sigmund-6/26/1999
326 Possible reason is to place some new equity financing....just a guess. From myNathan Hansen-6/26/1999
325 I wonder too. The stock is clearly going up. The recent press release was patheSigmund-6/26/1999
324 Stock's creeping up, volume increasing, and no chatting.......hhhhmmmmm maNathan Hansen-6/26/1999
323 Looks like even Stellar Stocks has gotten tired of waiting for Brehme to deliveSigmund-6/13/1999
322 Hmm. From Stellar Stocks email to list today. <<<<<< We areSigmund-5/2/1999
321 Bob Brehm mentions a Nasdaq listing..... 1stnetmall.comFrank Buck-4/27/1999
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