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456 24 0 CLS
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Celestica's launch as an independent public company will focus the spotlight on the world's 3rd largest ECM. Until now the company has been nearly invisible, first as a division of IBM Canada and later as a subsidiary of Onex Corp. With the scheduled IPO, Celestica will take its rightful place in the top tier of the EMS industry. How will Celestica stack up against SCI, SLR, and its smaller global competitors like JBIL, FLEXF and Dovatron (part of the DII Group)?
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456Thanks for the link.eomMarc-1/11/2002
455Celestica looks to rebound from tough year By EBN Jan 9, 2002 (9:56 AM) ....Marxtahce-1/11/2002
454You are hyping the stock and as an investment analyzer, SEC will investigate youArthur Tang-8/27/2001
453(OT) Arthur: I expect my arguments to be judged on their merits. That has beenClement-8/26/2001
452This man started personal attack, watch out for his stupidity.Arthur Tang-8/26/2001
451When CLS takes over the operation of the Lucent plants, clearly it's the onlIceCube-7/25/2001
450Lucent's future is uncertain, so the purchase and lease of 2 plants is questCiao-7/24/2001
449The analyst reports were just days before the Q2 reports. Furthermore, consideIceCube-7/24/2001
448Celestica Upbeat On Deal Despite Lucent's Problems Updated: Tuesday, JulMarc-7/24/2001
447July 24,2001 6:42AM Celestica (CLS) 44.81: Enters a manufacturing supply agreemextahce-7/24/2001
446"I'm banking on the target prices of $80-$90 as indicated by two leadinCiao-7/23/2001
445Let's face it, todays article in the Globe and Mail paints a pretty dull piIceCube-7/23/2001
444All the brokerages seem to love this company as much as they did with NORTEL. NCiao-7/21/2001
443Support is visible. There are no sales from institutional holdings to date. IIceCube-7/21/2001
442Where are all the cheerleaders? Results are out and disappointing, yet the stocCiao-7/20/2001
441I don't know why I was told about July the 4th as being the date to announceIceCube-7/9/2001
440Celestica to release Q2 financial results on July 18 Wednesday Jul 4 2001 MMarc-7/4/2001
439What is Celestica doing on July 4th??Elroy-7/4/2001
438Very interesting. I think CLS will surpass the street on July the 4th. Buy on aIceCube-6/29/2001
437BusinessWeek's IT 100/200 Scoreboard Which IT companies are the biggest, thextahce-6/29/2001
436CLS officials are viewing the bear market as a buying opportunity. It wouldnIceCube-6/26/2001
435Celestica says Lucent plants sale is speculation June 25, 2001 9:40 am smartmonxtahce-6/25/2001
434WSJ reporting Celestica is going for Lucent's manufacturing plants in Oklahoxtahce-6/25/2001
432It never seizes to amaze me how much CLS continues to grow despite turmoil from IceCube-6/15/2001
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