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Microcap & Penny Stocks
Undervalued - OTC/BB Stocks
An SI Board Since March 1998
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Emcee:  Captain Jack Type:  Unmoderated
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35 Bought some GLOW today. There is suppose to be a news release coming soon. CurCaptain Jack-3/13/1998
34 CJ, Out my MTZ this morn for a 5 point gain, Picked up more KILN @ 7.25 this mfat boy-3/12/1998
33 Lots of things effect a stock. I think its attitude a lot of times. People don&KZAP-3/12/1998
32 KZAP, MISM has had news out the past few days but it hasn't affected the pCaptain Jack-3/12/1998
31 You're welcome. Do you wear a little hat? blessings, harperHarperLee-3/12/1998
30 Well, thanks guys,... I'm glad that you like my screen name. :) C.J.Captain Jack-3/12/1998
29 Yes and Captain Jack is also the name of a really great but OLD Billy Joel songHarperLee-3/12/1998
28 <<i>CJ #2</i> AKA Captain Jack> LOL - TY! Captain Jack is CJ-3/11/1998
27 MISM has a good chance now to move up. Sometimes the price doesn't move up KZAP-3/11/1998
26 MISM keeps the news coming. Another surprise annoucement of acquistions from GoLeroyt-3/11/1998
25 Fat boy, Any more info on GLOW? What is going on with them? CJCaptain Jack-3/11/1998
24 Captain, Check out my KIRLIN pick, also picked up MTZ this morn @ 26.... @ 3 thfat boy-3/11/1998
23 FWIW, I here LTGL SETO & MISM are ready for a gap up. Anyone have anKZAP-3/11/1998
22 CJ, Hey, nice name. It is short for my screen name of captain jack and it is aCaptain Jack-3/11/1998
21 Hi - We just "found" this thread .... Wondering if any of you followCJ-3/11/1998
20 CJ, Check out this baby i found............. KILN @ current Pfat boy-3/11/1998
19 Yes I did. I also talked to Lenny Boyd again (from "ALYA"). He said Junkyardawg-3/10/1998
18 Lamar, Did you see this news on ALYA today? CJCaptain Jack-3/10/1998
17 News out on MISM tonight! Could be an interesting day tomorrow.Captain Jack-3/10/1998
16 Hello Everybody, I'm new to SI today. I feel like Alice In Wonderland righHarperLee-3/10/1998
15 Hi Captain Jack (nice name!) Wolf Industries (WLFN) was originally involved inAmanda Marley-Clarke-3/10/1998
14 Wow, This is too freaky. I posted about BAAT last night and there is news out tCaptain Jack-3/10/1998
13 BAAT This company is developing electric cars. There was some news out last Captain Jack-3/10/1998
12 Amanda, What exactly does WLFN do for business? I got a quote on Yahoo but it Captain Jack-3/10/1998
11 Keep an eye on WLFN. Trades around 0.75-0.85 cents - fully reporting issuer. Amanda Marley-Clarke-3/9/1998
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