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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since February 1998
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
173 1 0 FSCX
Emcee:  starpopper Type:  Unmoderated
Frame Relay maker based around $2 in early 1998. It's time to change the name of our forum to better reflect the direction, tempo, and prospects of this stock!

Sales force took a little longer to get in place and up to speed, Asian crisis slowed market penetration, and end of year tax loss selling helped push this one down to levels that scream for attention!

I traded FSCX in 1997 twice for nice gains; however, I intend to sit on my position at $2.25 for at least a year and a half for the best capital gains then this STOCKROCKET should be over $12!!!

$weet Dream$

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173 Rick, New Thread name was my idea ... I just couldn't take seeing the titlGetcher-4/6/1998
172 Bill, I may go back to the original thread just for kicks. What the hell, weRick Smith-4/6/1998
171 Nice to have you back, Rick. Any opinion on which thread we should be using?Bill-4/6/1998
170 I promise that I've been in both shock and disbelief. Super Hyper? I'm Rick Smith-4/6/1998
169Message 3950533starpopper-4/3/1998
168 He's busy on the IMNT and PAIR thread. Is it time to short those stocks?Craig Kaltner-4/3/1998
167 <I>Hey Guys! What ever happened to Rick Smith,the super-hyper?</i> Bill-4/3/1998
166 <I>Come on $1.00...ready to risk my profits in FSCX one more time!</I&Bill-4/3/1998
165 I actually enjoy this thread, seeing Starpopper's irrational exuberance oozBill-4/3/1998
164 Hey Guys! What ever happened to Rick Smith,the super-hyper? He knows everythingscope-4/3/1998
163 New thread with a more neutral name! Subject 20102 $tarstarpopper-4/3/1998
162 I cannot begin to describe the taste in my mouth each time I see the title of tGetcher-4/3/1998
161 Star, the stock's just barely over $1 now. Are you in?Bill-4/2/1998
160 If I'm only risking the profit made over the last year trading FSCX then thstarpopper-4/1/1998
159 Delisting is a distinct possibility. If that happens, your $1 stock (if you getBill-4/1/1998
158 Love itRobet Butkus-4/1/1998
157 Come on $1.00...ready to risk my profits in FSCX one more time! This must be hstarpopper-4/1/1998
156 I hope FSCXs b/a is an April Fools joke. Otherwise, it's a dead company.Alan Aronoff-4/1/1998
155 Beware April Fools jokes on SI today.Bill-4/1/1998
154 This whole FSCX is starting to remind me of a recent movie I saw--"TITANICJames Murray-3/31/1998
153 Another lawsuit. I was just reading the fscx 10-q as filed on Edgar. For someRanchokid-3/29/1998
152 So --- I have completed my catch-up reading on the thread, and let me see if I Getcher-3/29/1998
151 Latest numbers are one variable that has changed in my mind! I was expecting tstarpopper-3/27/1998
150 <i>the only problem with that is that the variables have changed dramaticBill-3/27/1998
149 You're quite correct Rick...a month ago I thought the price was too low so starpopper-3/27/1998
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