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Strategies & Market Trends
GSH - Guangshen Railway - NYSE adr's - a steal under $20
An SI Board Since December 1997
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71 5 0 GSH
Emcee:  blankmind Type:  Unmoderated
-- Anyone following GSH - Guangshen Railway - these days?

-- Next to Japan, China is the #2 trade "imbalance" partner we have. I don't see the Chinese currency depreciating anytime soon. Especially since they also have like $100 or so billion of our T-bills to support their currency.

-- As I recall, GSH has a monopoly on some critical rail lines. They're sitting on a ton of cash. Bear Stearns did an ipo for them about 2 years ago which I was involved in. I think the ipo came out at around $19. Stock was as high as $25. Now it's only $13.

-- Doesn't make sense. Anyone else think GSG will go up or down?

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71Slow Thread. I have been holding it for a couple of years and have a nice profisridhar ramasami-1/9/2005
70can you tell me where i can find out more about company? i came across earlier Gary105-7/15/2000
69 Folks, Please please buy this stock. Its terribly cheap now with a div yield osridhar ramasami-3/10/2000
68 I think this stock is a screaming buy (although I have been terribly wrong abousridhar ramasami-11/10/1999
67 I've been out of GSH for a few months. I may get back in, but I read somewFuturist-6/24/1999
66 To-days yahoo finance shows GSH yield to be 19.21% or US$1.31/share. Someone plROBROY-4/28/1999
65 Is it 12% or not..................A ROBROY-4/22/1999
64 The 1998 annual report states .012US$ Dividend.I assumed that amounts to 12% peROBROY-4/21/1999
63 It is only around 6.75/share. Their annual report just came out. It should be Michael Stavy-4/21/1999
62 Am I right in assuming the dividend ,on shareholders approval,for 1998 will beROBROY-4/21/1999
61 Anyone...............Any idea why stock price rise. R.ROBROY-3/22/1999
60 Yeah, this thing is a total crap shoot. They are not at all under the same soFuturist-2/4/1999
59's good to see some transparency at last with GSH.ROBROY-2/4/1999
58 Guangshen Railway to Benefit from China's Ministry Railways Adjustmenton NaFuturist-2/3/1999
57 Futurist................SCWH trades on the H/Seng index stocks.I think you haveROBROY-1/10/1999
56 Does SCWH trade somewhere? Futurist-1/9/1999
55 Thanks for the comment, Michael. Couldn't quite follow your remark that &qFuturist-1/9/1999
54 Michael...............One semi-interesting thing I found out recently is that tROBROY-1/9/1999
53 I am sorry but I cannot tell you anything about the Port of Chiwan. I was in HMichael Stavy-1/7/1999
52 Fellow R/Roaders...............Notwithstanding the vagaries of the market or thROBROY-1/7/1999
51 Michael.................what can you tell about the port of Chiwan. Thank-you ROBROY-1/7/1999
50 Futurist Most paper companies (see the SI SSCC board) do not have any earningsMichael Stavy-1/7/1999
49 Looking forward to your assessment of their investor's package.Futurist-1/7/1999
48 thinking is similar incl. the $'thing'.I hROBROY-1/6/1999
47 All very good questions for which I have no answer. It's sort of crap shooFuturist-1/6/1999
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