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TradeStation - Why No thread for this mega product
An SI Board Since October 1997
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Emcee:  Gary Pray Type:  Unmoderated
There are threads for TC, MetaStock and WOW but none for TS. Just got a 30 day trial for TradeStation. Is this product over kill for end of day trading and primarily used for real time. There seem to be more third party add on systems for it than any other product. Any advice to a novice user.
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147Anyone tried Tradestation Version 10? I installed it on one of my machines and Ron-1/4/2019
146Day trading worked fine for me-- I had a very good income from it right through Ron-8/20/2018
145Hi Ron, Larry's perspective is that day trading and scalping does not make yJohn Pitera-8/20/2018
144I daytraded stocks, index and currency futures many years. I am mostly retired nRon-8/19/2018
143Ron thank you so much for posting that link. i have have been to the forum befoJohn Pitera-8/19/2018
142Good for Patrick! I met him once at a Tradestation seminar years ago. They do Ron-8/19/2018
141maybe we can get this thread going.... ... if not I wonder were the best tradJohn Pitera-8/19/2018
140Monex to buy out TradeStation TRAD rttnews.comRon-4/21/2011
139I called ICE today to ask them about the bad data feed on the Russell Eminis, anRon-9/15/2008
138Well TradeStation got started with a flying THUD this morning with the new ICE RRon-9/11/2008
137TradeStation has had some unusual data outages lately. The TradeStation data neRon-7/3/2008
136Too busy trading I guessLuke12_15-4/21/2005
135Such a dead thread! I want to mention that we've released an EOD version oMichael Watkins-3/9/2004
134Sorry you sent this to the wrong person. I use TS2k.MechanicalMethod-5/15/2002
133Everyone: Please beware that TradeStation is not an honest broker. TS sneakly dTraderC-5/15/2002
132Finally a way to import historical data automatically. It's still in develoMechanicalMethod-4/22/2002
131Does anyone know how to plot the Beta for a stock in TradeStation 6 on a daily c3_putt-2/26/2002
130Hi, I am thinking of switching to TradeStation for daytrading. Can someone givTraderC-1/7/2002
129This has to do with box size I presume? I don't have any quick answers; perhMichael Watkins-1/7/2002
128The purple line simulates the last p+f value. I don't plan on trading the sMechanicalMethod-1/6/2002
127I'm looking for a way to access point and figure signals from a standard barMechanicalMethod-1/6/2002
126PLEASE TAKE OUR POLL Which charting program do you use? With all Michael Watkins-1/3/2002
125Thanks Nick, I tried a few mail lists that are off shoots from the old omega liMechanicalMethod-11/7/2001
124Have you tried on the Omega list server? To subscribe send email to omega-list@eNick Morvay-11/7/2001
123I need a bubble sort routine to sort the last 4 values in myArray by transferrinMechanicalMethod-11/2/2001
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