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Microcap & Penny Stocks
Rocky Mountain Int'l (OTC:RMIL former OTC:OVIS)
An SI Board Since October 1997
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Emcee:  Riley G Type:  Unmoderated
Olympus Ventures Inc. of Fort Lauderdale (OTC-BB:OVIS) is happy to announce a merger agreement with Rocky Mountain Crystal Water of Denver.
The merger gives Rocky Mountain International LTD (OVIS/RMCW) the ability to move from the OTC-BB to AMEX.

"With Rocky Mountain Crystal Water's existing business and future contracts this merger will be an exciting and profitable experience for all of us. Olympus Mills USA Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of RMIL will now have the financial backing to continue its planned growth in the physical fitness market."

RMCW is a manufacturer of pure spring and premium artesian bottled drinking water and is merging with Olympus Ventures Inc. who is currently engaged in the garment industry. RMIL is focusing its direction on manufacturing, distribution and retailing bottled water and physical fitness products, which the company believes is one of the fastest growing areas in the commercial marketplace.
CONTACT: Rocky Mountain International LTD.
Roland Breton, 954/565-9292

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55532Gullibles travails or The Art of Believing Anything I thought the whole issue wGraystone112/2/2020
55531These days, I often wonder how many of the aptly named "gullibles" areEL KABONG!!!112/2/2020
55530Very well said. A shame that many finally saw the evil after it was too late. ItTideGlider-12/2/2020
55529Galling or Gulling I see the gullible are still with us and still gullible. RMIGraystone212/2/2020
55527So unfortunate that so many of the believers died after losing their money on thTideGlider111/29/2020
55526It's amazing to realize that it's been 20 years since the RMIL days. Adaffodil112/28/2018
55525Yes he and Riley reported me as well to every agency they could locate. What thTideGlider-12/20/2018
55524Oh, this: I see he has recovered but lost a ton of weight, down inJeffrey S. Mitchell112/20/2018
55523He was reportedly very ill a year or so back. His x-wife had/has a gofundme aTideGlider-12/20/2018
55522Pugs and Riley or Ages Gary always saw a bit too much in what was written here Graystone112/20/2018
55521Pugs lived in a van down near the river. I understand he is now moving to the NTideGlider-12/19/2018
55520RMIL was cutting edge,,,tonto112/12/2014
555193/7/98, wow. That has to be one of the first references to naked shorting ever, Jeffrey S. Mitchell112/12/2014
55518Still a great one by Pugs... As of today, 3/7/98, RMIL shareholders have roughtonto312/9/2014
55517That's nice...always 100s of millions. Roland Breton Chief Operations Offitonto112/9/2014
55516Roland Breton continues to work the market...See Olympus thread Moderated By: Rtonto11/6/2012
55515Some one should tell Dobry that his "cause" Lori Berenson is free... tonto-6/3/2010
55514Hopefully Mike Kugler is still following this...tonto-6/24/2009
55513I'm just noodlin' here, but the press is describing Matt's role as iThe Duke of URL©16/23/2009
55512Good news. Thanks for your post.tonto-6/23/2009 U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 21053 / The Duke of URL©-6/23/2009
55510I have some questions about gary morgan and roland breton. What is the story bebmc1818-5/17/2007
55509Riley G's (uncredited) acting career: I see that despite his policJeffrey S. Mitchell15/2/2007
55508I don't know. I think he's kinda given that stuff up......I keep thinkinMark_H-5/2/2007
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