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Technology Stocks
WSTL/AMTX -- The Unbeatable Combination
An SI Board Since October 1997
Posts SubjectMarks Bans Symbol
115 2 0 WSTL
Emcee:  hal jordan Type:  Unmoderated
Hi Folks,

Just thought we now need an official combined thread to discuss the merits of the new WSTL/AMTX combo. Let both WSTL and AMTX threads pool their respective talents and information here into one cohesive union, just like the companies need to do.

How's $100 in a year sound?

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
115 mad- yes. hell, it was history before it started. no one ever really posted toTrey McAtee-11/21/1997
114 >I had my eggs and borrowed eggs in one basket for most of this year.< hal jordan-11/21/1997
113 [re: dreams of retirement] There is always another dream out there somewhere hMad Bomber-11/21/1997
112 MB-- The WSTL/AMTX unbeatable combination turns to mush!!! What a fiasco. Welhal jordan-11/21/1997
111 [MY take for what it's worth] First my actions, then my opinions. This weeMad Bomber-11/21/1997
110 Mad Bomber - Over the last year or so, I've seen you on AMTX and WSTL threaPeterR1700-11/21/1997
109 [DEAD] I guess this thread is history!! MBMad Bomber-11/21/1997
108 mad- oh, i had no intention of selling. i was just wondering if anyone still lTrey McAtee-10/20/1997
107 To ALL: I have to spread the word on this one..... From Pat Mudge on the AMTX tbill c.-10/18/1997
106 [Off topic] > "I want it all" --- Pat Mudge, SI Stocktalk "Daniel-10/17/1997
105 [Present and accounted for] I am still here!! Patience is a virtue with theseMad Bomber-10/17/1997
104 hal-- well, with all the great action in the stock, can you blame them? good Trey McAtee-10/17/1997
103 Trey-- I'm still here, don't know if anyone else is though. Halhal jordan-10/17/1997
102 to all--- has this board died? good luck to all, treyTrey McAtee-10/16/1997
101 to all- has anyone heard a rumor about an LU buyout? good luck to all, treyTrey McAtee-10/16/1997
100 jim-- >>...laying thai's all day<< LOL. guess you enjoyed a rTrey McAtee-10/8/1997
99 Chat - Jim, My first job after I graduated as an engineer was with Northern TeJohn Hunt-10/8/1997
98 Trey - Billions correct.. JW >"Though investments in Fiber Co.s shouldJW@KSC-10/8/1997
97 jim- Though investments in Fiber Co.s should be great, FTTC will take 20Trey McAtee-10/8/1997
96 neal- sure, whatever. i love PR passed off as real news. good luck to all, trTrey McAtee-10/8/1997
95 Tuesday October 7 5:55 PM EDT Company Press Release Westell Joins with: GTE,Ed Klar-10/7/1997
94 Jim Wilkinson -- Very accurate response to Gary. You da man! :) BellBoyNYBellBoy-10/7/1997
93 Steve Green -- AT&T with GTE is the logical choice with Chuck Lee taking ovNYBellBoy-10/7/1997
92 Neal -- If DSL, AMT and not attractive to telcos, what is? Are the telcos justNYBellBoy-10/7/1997
91 Gary - Your moving to fast <i>all your long distance is fiber,that is whJW@KSC-10/7/1997
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