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Technology Stocks
An SI Board Since July 1997
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65 2 0 MSFT
Emcee:  Gaston Teran Type:  Unmoderated
Microsoft is the #1 software maker in the world. It's stock is #1 if you ask me. The stock is up over 100% in the past twelve months. Like Intel and other companies, I'd like to consolidate all Microsoft discussion on SI into one general Microsoft topic so all of us MSFT investors don't have to hop from one topic to another. Please reply to this if you have any opinions about their earnings or their stock, where is it headed?
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65 (NewsTraders) -- Billionaire investor and Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) co-founder PauNewsTrader-8/24/1998
64 $120+ after 2 to 1 split. Why ? With the recent cloud from DOJ and market cored-8/22/1998
63 To the Microsoft thread.... What price do you see Microsoft stock trading at iCGarcia-8/21/1998
62 re Allen: Ah, I didnt know: I heard an interview with Gates last week in which freeus-8/21/1998
61 It shouldn't affect Microsoft at all. Allen hasn't been with the compaNewsTrader-8/21/1998
60 re <i>re Allen and Media One</i> Is that good news for Microsoft orfreeus-8/21/1998
59 The big rumor going around about Allen's selloff is that he's trying toNewsTrader-8/20/1998
58 Thanks for the heads-up. NewsTrader-8/20/1998
57 Are all these sales by Allen bearish for the stock. Or, put another way (becausfreeus-8/19/1998
56 BULLETIN: Appeals Court closes Microsoft hearings The U.S. Appeals Court deniedC. Niebucc-8/19/1998
55 (Newstraders) -- Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder and billionaire investor Paul AlleNewsTrader-8/17/1998
54 You might find this brokerage information useful. This service we provide has jont-8/14/1998
53 (NewsTraders) -- Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder Paul Allen registered 878,080 commNewsTrader-8/14/1998
52 Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) co-founder Paul Allen has filed to sell 3,027,000 sharesNewsTrader-8/11/1998
51 Java Stations replace PC's williamson-7/20/1998
50 Go with NT. You have plenty of horsepower and its much more stable. Don't bBruce rosner-7/19/1998
49 Questin on win nt workstation ? ( off topic somewhat) Who would be applicable trichard-7/19/1998
48 To All: I have bean a thread to discuss MSFT's browser and upcoming versioSly_-11/3/1997
47 Dan, You stated "If Microsoft's stock price doubles 2 1/2 more times,Qtrlytrades-10/28/1997
46 I think you refer to the 120's of DEC which only changed 5/16 and closed anJohn F. Dowd-10/23/1997
45 Sorry druggist,haven't the foggiest.Mohan Marette-10/23/1997
44 To anyone, Any idea or opinion in the HUGE volume of Dec 130 MSFT Puts today Druggist-10/23/1997
43 Of Muscle,Microsoft and Compaq. Marette-10/22/1997
42 "BYTE THIS" !!!!!! I was watching ITN (from Britan) news the other dMohan Marette-10/22/1997
41 1 <b>How how will Microsoft fly?</b> is the best thread <i> Gaston Teran-9/23/1997
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