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Strategies & Market Trends
The 56 Point TA; Charts With an Attitude
An SI Board Since June 1997
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76376 595 1
Emcee:  Woody Type:  Unmoderated
Over the years I have developed a multi-indicator scoring system for technical analysis. Using 8 indicators (2 that include subsets of 3 each) I assign each a value of 1 to 7 based on a practiced and objective interpretation. I will not be teaching this system on SI since that would be too cumbersome. Every week I post a list of 8 or more stocks that score 50 or higher on the long side (when the market turns bearish I will invert the scoring system and go short). Stocks with a score of 50 or more have a tendency to just go off. Some do 15% in a week, some double in a month. A few will go nowhere.

I would GREATLY APPRECIATE any timely, accurate fundamental information from anyone who cares to contribute.

I will take some requests by e-mail but I cannot promise I will get to them all.
The first list is on Post#1.

Doug R

I'm going to add two links for anyone that is interested in learning more about trading and trading discipline. The site is one of the best on the web IMHO and it has almost to much information but at least you can chose your own.
Both are by Mark Douglas, first one I would recommend is Trading in The Zone ..

Next would be The Disciplined Trader ..

If trouble with that one here's another ...

Enjoy and good trading ...

I felt it necessary to share a few words from a press conference on May 24th. where Mr. Biden basically admitted there are no gas / diesel shortages and that we are being forced into the new green energy.

"At a press conference following a meeting in Japan with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the President seemed to frankly admit that high gasoline and diesel prices are just part of the overall plan for the transition to renewables."

Now what was that Boston Tea Party all about anyway??
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
76376Apparently, SATL has embarked on a retrieval mission. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76375No scan hits for Thursday's close. 8 day scan, none.Woody-yesterday
76374MVIS putting a hammer in bouncing off a support zone and a cross tomorrow. EnteMagnatizer-yesterday
76373PATH is back in launch position. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76372LU is on watch.Doug R-yesterday
76371Out 1/2 BFRG....again. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76370Positive calibration. "Large" achieved. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76369ALT correction, cross was yesterday tradingview.comMagnatizer-yesterday
76368Ribbit.........BFRG didn't croak. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76367Neutral calibration [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76366NEON is glowing brighter.Doug R-yesterday
76365There goes SERV.Doug R-yesterday
76364Now, which one is the head-fake... [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76363Could be large. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76362High mileage/time cycle into the open. [graphic]Doug R-yesterday
76361ALT cross today tradingview.comMagnatizer-yesterday
76360TSLA Weekly cross bar in flight Daily in my buy zone. I'Magnatizer-yesterday
76359Scan hits for Wednesday's close, EH and JZXN. 8 day scan, none.Woody-Wednesday
76358[graphic]Doug R-Wednesday
76357[graphic]Doug R-Wednesday
76356[graphic]Doug R-Wednesday
76355BFRG target lines and signal lines. Current activity suggests potential for anoDoug R-Wednesday
76354Chinese fire drill potential, stuck in traffic. [graphic]drill potential, stuck Doug R-Wednesday
76353Opening calibration, negative [graphic]Doug R-Wednesday
76352The Dow inverse trick set-up is nearly out of the woods. The rest of the week shDoug R-Wednesday
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