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An SI Board Since May 1997
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19 0 0 PAR
Emcee:  WILLIAM BLACK Type:  Unmoderated
Does anyone on Silicon Investors follow this company. I have looked at the financials and technicals. Both appear to be strong with a possible head and shoulders bottom reversal being formed. The company is a major manufacturer of titanium, steel golf clubs. They also manufacture metal joints for the medical field.

Bill Black
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19 Caroline Wexler of Forbes mag. (ref. my previous PAR post): When she was supposPaul Senior-4/16/1998
18 Just noticed the thread for this stock . . . Nice gain today on five times norPerryA-8/25/1997
17 thomas, that is the 10 million dollar question. i lost alot money on PAR last ejames s-8/18/1997
16 Is there any hope in Coascast? Held out pretty well on a huge downdraft? thomaThomas Palakeel-8/17/1997
15 hello, i have done some math on this and i still don't know what to think. james s-7/23/1997
14 hello James - from what I read from the CEO's stmt, the orthopedic segment Bosco-7/19/1997
13 hello, i was hopeful on this stock, however i feel this maybe a play for anothejames s-7/19/1997
12 hello all - strange, PAR was 2c ahead of Zacks eps and it closed DOWN. From theBosco-7/16/1997
11 paul, i'm in on coastcast @ an avg. of about 13 on the last 5 months ofjames s-6/29/1997
10 Well I guess I'm one of only a few who are following this company PAR. MayPaul Senior-6/29/1997
9 Tom: I have bought CREAF since $7 level. Sold it off and then bought back. IWILLIAM BLACK-6/20/1997
8 Thanks, Bill. Would you buy CREAF below $X? Any other high relative strengtNorrin Radd-6/20/1997
7 Tom: Thanks. I still like CREAF ( Creative Tech). Expect it to reach $25 - WILLIAM BLACK-6/20/1997
6 Hi Bill, How are things lately? Keep an eye on ALMI, it's close to the botNorrin Radd-6/19/1997
5 William and ALL, i was pleased to see PAR on the SI server. i follow the teck james s-6/14/1997
4 Bill, I'll take a look. The semi group has been pretty strong lately rankNorrin Radd-5/28/1997
3 Yes, I follow it. Reason for purchase: compelling fundamental value (at lower Paul Senior-5/25/1997
2 Ken: I don't have a factual reason for the stock to move. I had been watcWILLIAM BLACK-5/24/1997
1 Hi Bill, I own a small amount of PAR and was very excited to see the strong movKen Reidy-5/24/1997
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