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Technology Stocks
Atmel - the trend is about to change
An SI Board Since January 1996
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13565 162 0 ATML
Emcee:  Ravi R Type:  Unmoderated
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13565Dialog Semiconductor to buy U.S. peer Atmel for $4.6 billion By Christoph SteiGlenn Petersen-9/20/2015
13564Does anyone know if Sharp's IGZO display technology is a competitor with Atmjoe828-10/24/2012
13563Zacks Report on ATML zacks.comJakeStraw-9/28/2010
13562A reiterate from FBR with target increased by 10% ... Atmel ATML FBR Capital OuIan@SI-10/2/2009
13561Atmel touts the AVR32's compact code size. I see how that is done. The AVRmlc178-3/15/2009
13560I was just looking over their AVR microcontroller products. They are made at 80mlc178-3/13/2009
13559$2.50 low, decent move up since...Norrin Radd-12/27/2008
13558At some point the SOXX reawakens but ATML has actually suffered less than many.Norrin Radd-9/13/2008
13557Just bought Quantum Capacitive Touch company. Any thing left in this company? NSleeperz-3/11/2008
13556Q2 2007 Atmel Corporation Earnings Conference Call August 1, 2007, 5:00 PM ET cbrushwud-7/12/2007
13555UPDATE: <b>Third Point Amasses Atmel Stake </b> SAN FRANCISCO (DoIan@SI-7/12/2007
13554I like ATML in this range although I don't own it again yet. I wonder of thNorrin Radd-6/12/2007
13553Atmel Files Fiscal 2006 Financial Statements SAN JOSE, Calif., June 8 /PRNewswibrushwud-6/11/2007
13552Here a link to the header of "Picks" starting today: Subject 56177 TTaro-4/2/2007
13551A new round in the stock picking game starts Monday. Get your portfolio picks inTaro-4/1/2007
1355016:33 ATML Atmel: Goldman Sachs discloses a 10.1% stake in SC 13G filing (6.30 sixty2nds-1/10/2007
1354916:01 ATML Atmel says actual measurement dates for certain stock options differsixty2nds-10/30/2006
13548>>One of those sites is an idle, 650,000 square foot factory in the DallasJakeStraw-10/11/2006
13547UPDATE: FMR Boosts Stake In Atmel; Ex-CEO Said Mulling Bid djones SAN FRANCIan@SI-10/11/2006
13546Oh my Gawd, who would have ever thought?? jdnJDN-8/7/2006
13545With the Perlagos ousted, ATML will double in no time.tech101-8/7/2006
1354411:23 ATML Atmel: New managers could accelerate restructuring actions - Wedbushsixty2nds-8/7/2006
1354309:02 ATML Atmel: George Perlegos, Gust Perlegos and two additional officers tesixty2nds-8/7/2006
1354209:01 ATML Atmel Postpones Second Quarter Earnings Release (4.82 ) Co annousixty2nds-7/25/2006
13541< My guess is they were looking out for their own fat salaries and the grantiDave O.-7/17/2006
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