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Technology Stocks
Fastcomm FSCX (6 1/8), base now complete. Big Upside.
An SI Board Since April 1997
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802 7 0 FSCX
Emcee:  Rick Smith Type:  Unmoderated
Having traded FSCX successfully for the past year using technical analysis, it now appears that the worst is over for the company. After a long basing pattern, and a breakout formation in place dating back to 7-1-96 it now appears that this one is ready to move forward.
Fundamentally, the company has been positioning itself to be a major player. And while FSCX has been a major dissapointment for many who have bought and held instead of trading, I belive they have finally turned the corner. Solid product line, no debt, best sales force in the industry, all at the right price at the right time as frame relay becomes a major standard both domestically and internationally.
This thread is intended for those looking for a stock with big upside potential in the face of tough general market conditions.
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
802 Wild trading on Friday.... Someone wants this stock bad...the stock had a tradUPTICK-2/5/2000
801 FSCX, give it time...Feb should prove to be a big month. Looks like many of thUPTICK-1/31/2000
800 I know very little about the company at this time. I learned about it initiallJudy Muldawer-1/23/2000
799 Hi Judy; Gee, I wish I had read the annual report. I had given up on the compaSteve Lokness-1/23/2000
798 Uptick, Is your caps lock key stuck? Have fun, Phil P.S. This ain't RaviPhil(bullrider)-1/22/2000
796 Judy, It's a pleasure to run into you somewhere other than the LGOV threaPhil(bullrider)-1/22/2000
795 I have owned this for a few years (at a loss) and am glad to see some positive Judy Muldawer-1/22/2000
794 Does anyone still follow Fastcomm? I have owned this stock since before their Steve Lokness-1/19/2000
793 (COMTEX) B: (UIS) Unisys Selects FastComm QuickII for Support of Unis GARY P GROBBEL-1/5/2000
792 Frank, I'm still here, just enjoying the ride. Check this out: Fastcomm Phil(bullrider)-12/8/1999
791 Amazing! Still no one is alive around here. Hello, anyone home? Close @3 3/4Frank P. Pearson-12/8/1999
790 This certainly is a quiet thread. The stock has surpassed its 52 wk high and iFrank P. Pearson-12/5/1999
789 It was a nice close. I think the previous announcement about licensing IBM tecRanchokid-11/11/1999
788 So, are there any thoughts as to being named in the top 500 telecom companies? James Murray-11/10/1999
787 FSCX--Madsen has put the letter he had in the FSCX quarterly report on their WeJames Murray-11/2/1999
786 I don't know anything about the shareholder meeting, but I believe that FasMark Ableson-11/2/1999
785 Did anyone go to the Shareholders meeting today? If so, how did it go?Sam Quentin-10/28/1999
784 James, I received my annual report the other day in the mail. After reading itPhil(bullrider)-10/25/1999
783 Annual stockholder's meeting coming up. Anybody think there may be an annouJames Murray-10/25/1999
782 Today's upswing leads me to be believe something is going on.... Anybody knJames Murray-10/14/1999
781 I understand that Pete Madsen is out of the country on the road visiting Korea Sam Quentin-10/7/1999
780 So does this mean that we can FINALLY put this behind us and get on with businesks1-9/29/1999
779 Could this now prompt shareholder suits? Seems they are old matters and affecteBill-9/29/1999
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