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Microcap & Penny Stocks
BAAT - world records for electric vehicles with zinc-air
An SI Board Since March 1997
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6464 19 0 BAAT
Emcee:  Ronald Kronemann Type:  Unmoderated
For some weeks i have been following this BB company based on press releases on ground-breaking new technologies for electric vehicles.

They run on zinc-air batteries which allow them for distances up to 478 miles without recharging - even in cold climate.

They have set up a joint venture with a german battery maker and a company from Singapore to market the new technology.

They currently trade at 0.25 which seems extremely low to me given the potential of this technology.

If someone has more information about this company (located in Burbank, CA) or the technology, I would like to hear your comments.

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6464Nice Press Release, but... ...Joe - where's the busineFletcher155-5/31/2002
6463Try this link for quotes: BAAT is trading at three times wFletcher155-5/31/2002
6462Surprised by the post. Are they still trading and if so where? Is there news of Jon Matz-3/20/2002
6461I get interested when real products are sold. Cash flow, revenue and income (welFletcher155-3/20/2002
6460not really, I just have a lot of time on my hands so I watch the board to see whJAC-10/27/2000
6459Watch what? Has there been anything to see? Just Curious, JonJon Matz-10/23/2000
6458Some do continue to watch. JACJAC-10/23/2000
6457Thanks Jim. gggg cox-9/28/2000
6456California reaffirms zero-emission vehicle plan By Charles J. Murray, EE Times SJim Oravetz-9/28/2000
6455To: Futurist who wrote (5193) From: Don Devlin gg cox-9/6/2000
6454 Well, it seems donp has been relentless at his goal...that to knock BAAT at eveJim Johnson-6/29/2000
6453 It appears DonP has killed this board. Is anybody out there or are they all ontheodore bobich-6/28/2000
6452 Actually, they had dinner here last night. We were going over some BAT press reDonP-2/21/2000
6451 Jim,big difference between slander and the truth.<<gg>> gg cox-2/20/2000
6450 don, you've gotten quite slanderous in your remarks lately, evidently the SJim Johnson-2/20/2000
6449 That's EBTGlobal. It's also a scam company running out of Bill WasonDonP-2/19/2000
6448 I believe that BAAT owns 9% of this company. --------------------allen v.w.-2/14/2000
6447 Michael Berkowitz-2/10/2000
6446 Anyone know any place on the web where I can check the current price of BAAT. oconnellc-2/9/2000
6445 Joe is trying leverage off the biodiesel scam to finance a new floating house oDonP-1/29/2000
6444 Somebody got rooked, Fletch...but hey, it's a free market! The bid for BAARichard L. Williams-1/27/2000
6443 Anyone know why 200k shares traded for .12 today? FletchFletcher155-1/27/2000
6442 Hey DonP, don't knock it... Joe may have found a way to barter a few cases Ridi J-1/10/2000
6441 HAHAAHA!!!! EBTGlobal is another BAT scam subsidiary!! HAAHAH!!!!!! DonP-12/30/1999
6440ebtglobal.comallen v.w.-12/28/1999
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