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Technology Stocks
GTIS - Will it be a Phoenix or not ?
An SI Board Since February 1997
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2319 13 0 GTIS
Emcee:  Bill Gizzo Type:  Unmoderated
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2319Well, Freddi Fish V is making the opposite of a splash <g>. Finley-6/14/2001
2318Hello friends, I wonder if the activity on this thread reflects the game sector&RJC2006-3/23/2001
2317A Duke movie announcement will be coming soon. I'll just say we held out unScott Miller-12/12/2000
2316You missed was "straight to video." ;-) -ScotScot-12/8/2000
2315I'm still waiting for the Duke Nukem movie release!Nutty Buddy-12/7/2000 <i> Scott Miller Q&A JCal @ 12:04 PM Your Time After thScot-12/5/2000 <i>Interplay Signs Distribution Agreement with Wal-Mart InterScot-7/16/2000 <i>Infogrames set on Eidos By Lina Saigol and Peter Thal LarsScot-7/11/2000
2311 <i>GTIS - Will it be a Phoenix or not ?</i> The results are in....John Finley-6/28/2000
2310's the old reverse split kiss-of-death. 1 for 5. Sinking fast. NoNutty Buddy-6/28/2000
2309 GTISD? What happened to this Faux Phoenix? BuddyNutty Buddy-6/28/2000
2308 Hey Professor! The business of gaming, eh? Humongous was the reason I bought John Finley-2/11/2000
2307 We shall have to wait for Infogrames to deliver a humongeous punch.Professor Dotcomm-2/11/2000
2306 Wow, I'm just about at sea level with my second GTIS purchase. I wonder hoJohn Finley-2/11/2000
2305 I've started a new thread where we can talk about the interactive entertainvc21-12/19/1999
2304 Yeah no joke. As its going for 135 million you can be sure you won't be seRJC2006-11/23/1999
2303 Well I know how you feel. I took my screwing at the hands of the most inept maRJC2006-11/23/1999
2302 > I'm selling very shortly myself. Do you have a limit price? No, but iChris McConnel-11/20/1999
2301 I'm selling very shortly myself. Do you have a limit price?Thomas DeGagne-11/19/1999
2300 Piece of crap stock, I'm dumping my remaining shares tomorrow. If they are Chris McConnel-11/18/1999
2299 I agree completely. We just got screwed. This is an unbelievable sell out. IThomas DeGagne-11/16/1999
2298 PD, I don't pirate games,as far as buying value and republished games,thaBurlitis-11/16/1999
2297 Over half the total units shipped last year in the video games business were vaProfessor Dotcomm-11/16/1999
2296 >>American exportation of corrupt culture through violent videogames is nJohn Finley-11/16/1999
2295 Scot, Nice post, a good percentage of people aren't paying for the softwaBurlitis-11/16/1999
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