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Bob Brinker: Market Savant & Radio Host
An SI Board Since December 1996
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42834 221 0
Emcee:  wooden ships Type:  Unmoderated
12/05/2006 - If you are here looking for for discussion regarding Bob Brinker please manage your expectations. Many if not most of the current participants - on both sides of the debate - are far more interested in posting about each other than they are about the topic at hand. Noise appears to be far preferred to signal when it comes to the topic of this board.

You may want to try one of these other boards:

Or, if there is a SI user who is really interested in engaging in civil, open dialog about Bob Brinker they can start a new moderated board.

Meanwhile, those who persist in posting about other users should not be surprised to find themselves banned and/or suspended, or terminated. Grow up!

SI Admin
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
42834The current markets are a little crazy. Bob would say, "We live in interesInvestor2-9/6/2024
42833“If it’s to be, it’s up to me!” Bob Brinker’s great lesson on “taking responsibiBoca_PETE-9/6/2024
42832Hi Pete!! It's great to hear from you again! I recorded almost every show Investor219/6/2024
42831Bob Brinker's passing makes me so sad! I followed his program on radio staBoca_PETE-9/5/2024
42830Robert John Brinker October 1st, 1941 - August 18th, 2024 [graphic] Print SInvestor2-8/20/2024
42829do you have a link for the Obituary?rsie-8/20/2024
42827Truman, Your last post was in 1998. Fifteen years later... I hope you're wInvestor2-8/10/2013
42826The only thing I see in your post is the words "2 photos (1025KB) " ??Investor2-9/15/2012
428252 photos (1025KB) joefromspringfield-9/8/2012
42824Hi Mr. BSL! It's nice to see you're still around after all of these yeaInvestor2-7/27/2012
42823Yes, I remember. Sad.Mr. BSL-7/26/2012
42822RE: "<I>August 12 2010 Hulbert newsletter contains the updated inforKirk ©17/16/2011
42821<b><i>"Don't believe the lies you see posted on other boardgronieel218/17/2010
42820Brinker portfolios beat the stock market by over 2% for the 15 years through Juleighttimes28/16/2010
42819Yes, but Hulbert himself admits he doesn't count the QQQ advice that hurts tKirk ©38/16/2010
42818See August 2010 Hulbert newsletter for current performance figures for Bob Brinkeighttimes28/16/2010
42817So if you ignore the QQQ, Brinker beat the market over the last 15 years but notKirk ©38/16/2010
42816The August 2010 Hulbert newsletter says Bob Brinker portfolios have outperformedeighttimes28/16/2010
42815About once a year, Mark Hulbert does a full page write-up on each of the newsletKirk ©38/16/2010
42814Don't believe the lies you see posted on other boards about Brinker's Hueighttimes28/16/2010
42813BP, errrr, Boca (don't want to pass on any bad karma ;-), check out vrabel&Skeeter Bug-7/21/2010
42812"if by "this regime" you mean the financial oligarchs that controBoca_PETE-7/21/2010
42811Boca, i spent the vast majority of my cash to pay off my home - so the big silvSkeeter Bug17/21/2010
42810Skeeter Bug, Your plan to load up in the future on gold and silver may need revBoca_PETE-7/21/2010
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